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Not a flashlight you'll find at the local dollar store

9 Gadgets Going Viral Right Now That You Need to Get Your Hands On
3/14/2025 | Trending |
"If you love feeling like 007 by being the first to get the latest gadgets, then you need to check out this list (especially #4!)"
It's hard to say what makes a product go viral. We don’t think it’s about having a long list of complex features or just the novelty of it. To us, it’s about solving an overlooked problem, and doing it well!

To find the very best of this year’s viral products – the ones that can solve problems with ease – we sent out our team of editors to select and test new products that have already sold in the millions this year. And in our tireless journey, we found 9 that really impressed us!

Not only can you read about the best products we’ve found here, you can click the links to learn more and order anything you decide you can’t live without!  Without further adieu, here are our top viral gadgets of the year:
1. TacLight - The Most Advanced Tactical Flashlight Ever Released
You might be surprised to see a flashlight on our list. I mean, it’s a pretty simple product... how 007 can a flashlight get? Well, we’re here to tell you. 

Meet the T1100 TacLight Flashlight, a flashlight that sold over 20,000 units in just a few months. 

This isn’t the flashlight you’d find at your local dollar store. This battle-tested flashlight uses military-grade LED technology that can illuminate an entire field or blanket a work area with 800 lumens of light. That’s 8 times more than the average utility flashlight! 

It’s almost indestructible. You can throw it, drive over it, drop it in 6 feet of water — the aircraft-grade aluminum will hold up. It’s the kind of flashlight U.S. Navy Seals and the U.S Coast Guard rely on to get the job done! 

You can also use it as a defense tool if you get attacked. This super bright flashlight can temporarily blind your attacker, giving you time to escape...just be careful using it around your friends.

At this point, you may be thinking that you’ll need to spend your life savings on special batteries to keep this thing functional. Quite the contrary! All you need is 3 AAA batteries to get 1,000 hours of life. 

That makes it ideal for reliable, abundant light during a prolonged natural disaster or emergency…and for lots of everyday uses. Be prepared for anything! 
2. The XY4: The Most Effective & Powerful Tracker Ever Invented (Never Lose Your Things Again)
If you’ve ever lost something you can’t replace, you are familiar with the pit that forms in the bottom of your stomach, and the all-consuming panic that you’ll never find it. 

And if you’re anything like us, you have that feeling about your phone about 100 times a day. 

Movies like James Bond and Minority Report have promised us more! In these universes, trackers are ubiquitous. They are these tiny, inconspicuous pieces of tech that can be used to keep tabs on almost anything. It seems like a simple concept, yet, you walk out of that promising theatre into the harsh light of reality, only to discover that, sadly, it doesn’t exist yet. 

Most bluetooth trackers don’t have the battery power to last when you need it most, lack the volume power needed, or just don’t work reliably. 

Fortunately, for those of us bold enough to imagine a brighter future, XY Findables just released the most advanced tracker ever created called the XY4+.

It’s a device the size of a quarter that’s packed with power! 

When you attach the the XY4+ to your favorite item (be that your pet, luggage, your purse or even your car) you can track it and view it precisely on the map of your phone. 

It has integrated Skyworks's RF amp, and Dialog's 14585 Bbluetooth SoC into the device to increase its range. These key components not only allow them to broadcast with more power, but also helps reduce packet loss at a longer range.

With the device, you increase your chances of finding your irreplaceable items by 10,000x, because they can enlist their own network of users to help locate what you lose. 

As if this could be any better, it also works both ways – that is, if you lose your phone, you can press a button on the tracker to make your phone ring, even on silent. 

Now we’re panicking 100 times less per day! This is one of those no-brainer devices that everyone should own at least one of.
3. Peeps Carbon Glasses Cleaner
Whether you wear glasses because you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or just love a pair of slick shades on a sunny day, we’re willing to bet you’ve experienced the unrivaled frustration of trying to keep them clean! 

We’ve found the perfect solution! 

This is a relatively new product that is quickly picking up steam among glasses wearers of all kinds. The Peeps eyeglass cleaner uses a unique carbon compound to safely remove dust and oil from the face and fingers from your glasses. And unlike disposable wipes, you get over 500 cleanings without adding to the landfill. It’s a win for you and the environment! 

Peeps is the safest and most tested lens cleaning product in the world. 

In fact, the technology is literally out of this world – being the only cleaners on the Space Station used for lens cleaning by NASA. It’s easy to use, compact and never expires! 

The perfect size eye wear cleaner to take with you – it measures approximately 4x1x1 inches and is available in 7 different colors. Why not clean in style? 

They are now shipping worldwide!  

4. iMemories - Digitize Your Memories Without The Headache
If you've been wanting to digitize your old family films or albums for years, but have never gotten around to it, then pay attention to this one. iMemories specializes in digitizing and converting every single imaginable type of old format (VHS tapes, Betamax tapes, MiniDV's, Photo Prints, family albums)... And converts them into beautiful, high-quality versions that you can view comfortably on a television, iPhone or really any device.

But the secret to why iMemories has become so popular? The answer is simple. It's because they're the first service to make the process easy!

You simply send them your memories in a box. Actually here's the best part: THEY send YOU the box first, and then you put your VHS tapes, albums and stuff in the box, and send it to them. 

They scan and digitize it for you, then send you back the box of the originals. Plus now you get to enjoy your old memories in beautiful digital formats. On your iPhone, iPad, TV or wherever's most comfortable... forever!

There's a reason why iMemories remains the most trusted service in the space. They've digitized over 6.5 million family memories for their customers and have never misplaced, damaged or lost a single one.

Do yourself a favor and visit their official website here. It makes a great gift for parents, grandparents and loved ones.
5. FIXD - Instantly turn your car into a "smart vehicle" that keeps track of over 7,000 diagnostics
Have you ever been driving along, feeling great, when your mood is suddenly destroyed by the appearance of the "Check Engine Light"? 

Us too.

You might try to ignore it. I mean, most of the time it’s just a false alarm, right? But what if it’s not? What if the result is $1000 plus in engine damage?

Unless you’re a car expert, or a mechanic yourself, getting things checked out means putting blind faith into someone to tell you the truth about what’s going on, and it can cost $100 before they even start the work. Never a good feeling. 

Don’t you just wish you could do a diagnostic yourself? 

You can! 

FIXD is a ground-breaking device that plugs directly into your car’s diagnostic port and tracks 7,000 potential issues with your vehicle. (almost all vehicles manufactured after 1996 will have this port, and it is usually found under the steering wheel). 

FIXD can instantly tell you – in plain language – which issues are emergencies and which ones can wait until your next oil change. 

It's literally plug-and-play. Connect FIXD to your car, and it starts working right away! 

It can save you thousands of dollars in repairs and untold time trying to figure out what’s wrong with your car...all for a fraction of what one trip to your mechanic would cost! 

We think this device should be included with the purchase of every car, but until then, save yourself the headache and grab one for yourself!
6. 1Tac Tactical Pen
If including a flashlight on this list of must-have tech gadgets had you scratching your head, we are really about to make you question our sanity with this one: a pen. 

But hear us out, because this pen could save your life! 

The 1Tac Tactical Pen has already sold over 5 million units this year, we we’re sure that it’ll continue to sell like crazy over the next month. No other personal defense item comes close to how versatile, compact affordable, and functional the 1 Tac Tactical Pen is. 

Designed from aircraft-grade aluminum, it boasts a tungsten steel glass-break tip, a stainless steel removable razor-sharp blade, a blindingly bright LED light, and a smooth-writing rollerball pen. 

If you’re ever in the unfortunate situation of having to defend yourself or break through a window to get to safety in an emergency, this pen will be your best friend. 
7. Huddy – Transform Your Smartphone Into A Driving Display
I think we can all agree that traditional GPS systems are officially a thing of the past. But in this brave new world of using your phone as your primary navigation tool comes with its own set of struggles. 

If you’re like us, you have at least one friend who balances their phone in their lap and looks down way more than they look at the road. 

But as scary as it can be to drive with these people, who can blame them? It’s hard to find a mount that fits your phone without requiring you to permanently glue something to it, and even harder to find a good place to mount it. 

Enter Huddy!

Huddy turns any smartphone into a heads up display for your car. And, although it was just released, it’s already taking the internet by storm! 

All you have to do is set it on your dash, place your smartphone in it, and you will have a transparent navigation display that works in any weather, day or night. 

Its ultra-grip mat will stop it from sliding or falling, without leaving residue on your dash. And best of all, there are a ton of apps available that will let you see traffic conditions, speed, street maps and oh so much more! 
8. TVFox - Get 90 of The Top 100 TV Channels For Free 
(No Subscriptions, No Fee's, No Joke)
The world is changing in so many amazing ways! But one thing that has remained constant over the last several decades is that cable companies are still charging outrageous prices for TV. 

If you’re someone who still get’s one of those bills every month, you likely want to ball up your fist, look to the heavens, and curse the world every time you see it! 

But hey, with the constant connectivity to the internet, message notifications, and social media alerts, sometimes you just want to sit on your couch and watch plain old TV. 

So, maybe you’re not ready to give that up quite yet. Luckily, you don’t have to! 

TVFox gives you access to the top network television channels for free. Yes, you definitely read that right. FREE. 

There is no subscription fee, no installation fee, no satellite dish rental fee. No fees of any kind! 

But here's the catch... drumroll... wait for it... Just kidding! There is no catch! With TVFox you get free network TV for life. Honestly, it's about time a gadget like this came around. 

To see if you qualify to use TVFox and learn more, simply click the link below. 
9. Xtra PC - Protect Your PC Instantly
Remember the good old days, before computers...when you didn’t have to watch a spinning wheel or hourglass taunt you mercilessly as you try to complete the simplest task? Before losing your work on a crashed computer ignited a rage within you so powerful, that you seriously contemplated throwing that computer off of the roof? 

Neither do we, but we can imagine it was bliss! 

We’re just kidding, obviously we would rather be in a world full of tech, but we’d also like that tech to be fast and reliable! 

This product we found is just starting to gain traction, and it’s not technically a gadget, but it’s so cool that we had to add it to this list. If you have a slow, barely functioning computer, this is what you want! 

The Xtra PC works with any computer (Mac or Windows) made after 2004. It’s the fastest, easiest, and cheapest solution to getting a new computer...without actually getting a new computer. 

All you have to do is plug Xtra PC into the thumb drive of your computer, and it uses a Linux program to squeeze better performance out of your old processor. You set it up once and you’re good to go! 

We can see this product continuing to sell well for the foreseeable future!


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