A unique technique that helps you get rid of the bunion in 2 months!


The bump on the big toe is familiar to many. This problem does not only have an esthetic downside. The deformation does not only make your feet look ugly but also causes unpleasant feeling and pain when walking thus making the choice of shoes a real challenge.

Modern medicine has long tried to solve the issue of how without surgery remove this defect in a few months? Finally the answer is there!

For those who want to avoid the extreme measures, experts developed a special big toe fixator "Valgustep Day". Its main purpose is to reduce the traumatic impact on the area of the big toe and thereby stop the pain and inflammation.

The device is made of a special silicone allowing a tight contact with the foot, repeating its anatomical shape and firmly fixating the joint. This facilitates a uniform distribution of the load during walking. The disease stops progressing and after a few months the joint returns to its natural position relieving you from pain in toes and feet.

Studies involving 1,500 participants have shown that daily use of "Valgustep Day" helps completely remove bunions in a few months..

Clinically proven!

Hallux valgus completely disappears after 1 month in 97% of cases.

To achieve the desired therapeutic effect the fixator must be used at least 6 - 10 hours a day. Positive results are achieved thanks to a long exposure. When worn, "Valgustep Day" does not cause uncomfortable or unpleasant sensations. It can be worn unnoticed with any type of shoes.

PLEASE NOTE! The deformation of the foot is a hereditary problem. If your relatives suffer from this disease your the risk of hallux valgus increases. "Valgustep Day" it is recommended as prevention at the first signs of disease.

The fixator is also recommended for flat feet, for frequent use with uncomfortable and narrow shoes (especially women who like high heels).

In 2014, "Valgustep Day" was named a “breakthrough in the treatment of hallux valgus”. With its launch the need for surgery decreased 7 times.

Now there are lots of other different analogues in the market. But they are much less effective than “Valgustep Day” and besides, they are very inconvenient to use.

To avoid counterfeits, it is recommended to make your purchase on official website. Only here you’ll get original licensed product with all declared properties.

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PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

I’ve had this problem for 6 years, and every year it’s getting worse. I tried many traditional recipes, but they only alleviate the pain. I can hardly wear any shoes. I think I will to try "Valgustep Day"

PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

OMG! How can you walk at all with such dreadful bunions?

Ann Pat
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

It seems very unpleasant, I know. And it’s most likely aches a lot!

Debby Tucker
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

Please tell me, anybody tried it? Does it really help?

Julia Foreman
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

I ordered one for myself 4 months ago. Terrible things were happening to my feet. I had bunions on both feet! I couldn’t find comfortable footwear, I could wear nothing but old shapeless from wear trainers. I asked doctors for advice, and they suggested surgery, but rehabilitation would take half a year! And it’s painful too, I just couldn’t made up mind and kept postponing.
And I don’t regret! As soon as I learnt about “Valgustep Day”,I ordered. I’ve been wearing it for almost 3 months now. The effect is great! Bunions disappeared almost at once and joints restored their shape. Now I wear the fixator all the time, even with high heels!

Ann Smith
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

How interesting, just recently when I went to the doctor’s, he advised me this fixator. I ordered on line.

Penny Wilson
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

I have a new job since 3 months. Before I was mostly sitting, and now I have to stand for the whole day (from 7 am to 6 pm) which caused the deformation of the big toe. It made my toes pull close together, an ugly bump popped up and as if it was not enough, it hurts like hell. I don’t know what to do. A surgery? But I don’t know any good doctor. Please let me know if you have a good piece of advice!

Mary Laird
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

Oh, ladies, you can’t imagine how I felt sore because of these bunions before! I am a young girl, I’m 27 and I have the legs of old woman! It seems to be connected with genetics because my mum and grandma suffer from it too. I have ordered the splints for me and mum. You can feel the results immediately: my big toe is getting fixed, it mitigates the pressure during the walking and the pain is left now. It’s been two months and my problem completely disappeared! So happy!

Caroline Shellh
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

I had a surgery 7 years ago. It is a truth that this is one of the most painful procedures! It was healing so long and difficult. In the beginning the joint was on the place as it is supposed, but then everything got back again. The joints started to sore and it hurt. Bunions started to grow, walking was just a nightmare for me. I was thinking that all my life I will be on a rack if even the surgery couldn’t have helped me. Three months later I started to feel like a human being finally. There is no pain, the joint is getting on the right place bit by bit. The problem of valgus does not scare me anymore! Recommend to everybody!

Diana Headrow
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

Ordered “Valgustep Day” just for prevention of this problem.  As far back as I can remember, I used to choose shoes not for comfort but for beauty. Sometimes, it was unbearable to wear it but I was still trying. After some time, the joints started to hurt and the big toes were unnaturally twisted. With this splint all unpleasant feelings are gone after a week of using. Now I wear it all the time! What is more comfortable it suits to every pair of shoes!

Tom Simpson
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

What women can do in chase of beauty! They make their feet look ugly wearing high-heeled shoes! You should have mind of your own buying footwear! The consequences terrify!

Maria Nilson
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

What should I do? Wear only orthopedic shoes? Sometimes it’s not footwear that causes such problems but also Valgus runs in family

Claire Thomson
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

I heard it is useful to make a bath foot and iodine paintings.

Patrick Leman
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

Urine therapy is useful too. Judge for yourself, a joint is inside out, do you really thing that iodine painting will help? You need to reset it at least. In a fast way - with the help of surgery or gradually and without pain - wearing the splint.

Helen Jones
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

I have been using a similar stuff. But this is of bygone age. There are almost no effects because you have to wear it for a couple of hours per day. Now I wear “Valgustep Day” day and night! That’s why I can see the results! By the way, I don't feel it at all and it doesn't rub my skin. This splint doesn’t create any unpleasant feelings. Now I understand what does “medicine never stalls” mean!

Ann Brown
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

You say the right thing. Folk medicine can only ease the pain, nothing more.

Rachel Miers
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

As a child I already had flat feet, hence the problems with feet joints. At age 32, I got huge bumps on both feet. Although it was painful I resisted for a while. The situation became so critical that I couldn’t wear even my usual comfy shoes. But still I didn’t consult a doctor.. As you mentioned before, I used bath treatment and online tips. What an idiot I was! Luckily, my husband found "Valgustep Day" on the internet.

Sally Backer
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

Wow the result is impressive! I’m gonna order too

Jennifer Adrian
PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

Who tried other fixators?

PГ©ntek 14, MГЎrcius 2025Kedd 12, JГєnius 2018

Yesterday we came back from Berlin. My husband consulted a doctor their about hip replacement. Our “guide” told me about bunion treatment. It’s worth 18 kEuro (to remove it). Plus 2 weeks in wooden boots. Go and do it if you want!

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