Liberals Unveil Controversial Plan To Pay For Universal Basic Income

By MICHAEL FORER 14 March, 202524 May, 2018

The Federal Liberal Party of Canada has unveiled a new legalization that will help fund plans to implement universal basic income across Canada.

As more and more Canadian jobs are threatened by robots, the government has come up with a plan to eventually introduce universal basic income - which is basically a minimum salary that will be paid to all Canadians. Though it seems like a great idea, it will be expensive. How expensive? At least $43 billion.

To pay for it, early this week it was announced that online casinos would be legalized in Canada. The government expects that tax revenues collected from these online casinos and those from marijuana will be enough to pay for its plans to implement universal basic income.

"We have decided to legalize online gambling and allow a few licensed and federally regulated casinos who have been determined to be legitimate and real. The taxation structure will be similar to how existing provincial lottery systems operate, except this will be on a federal level.”

When questioned as to what The Government of Canada would do with tax revenues in the meantime, they said "these tax revenues will go towards funding the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security, and later, these two will be replaced with a universal income system."

After the Prime Minister made the announcement, he said that only a few online casinos are legally permitted to operate in Canada, with Jet Bingo receiving the first license "because they helped draft legislation, and have been reviewed and examined to be fully compliant and legitimate."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: "This will help so many Canadians for years to come."

When an online casino or any type of new industry enters a country, they sometimes offer promotions and bonuses to attract players to get their name out. As expected, Jet Bingo is offering limited-time bonuses, promotions, and has adjusted payout odds to heavily be in the players favor. Simply put, playing now will almost certainly guarantee winnings and big payouts.

From a business standpoint it may not make sense that they are just giving away money, but for Jet Bingo, since they are the only ones in Canada for the time being, it will allow them to develop a reputation for being a good casino right from the start. Over time the payout odds will be adjusted, but for now, you would be crazy not to play, as it is impossible to lose.

To prove it, CBC’s Michael Forer tested Jet Bingo's offer after the press conference. Signing up was simple, and he deposited $30, and was already winning as he got $30 right away, just for signing up. He also got 120 free spins, after 32 spins, he won $4,000. David later withdrew his winnings which was easy as signing up was, and had $4,000 right into his bank account the next day.

Michael Forer from CBC News tested and proved that the offer is worthwhile.

You don't have to be lucky to win, take advantage of the boosted payouts, free cash bonuses, and guaranteed winnings! Follow the steps below to grab a few thousands dollar from Jet Bingo Casino now. Hurry, the offer is limited and the promotion of free bonus ends on 15 March, 202525 May, 2018 !

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