(CNN News) - They're calling it the “War Against the Dad Bod.” Millions of Dads and Granddads are coming together to build muscle like never before - decreasing their fat to muscle ratios and improving health. Many of them are taking it a step further and getting ripped bodies in weeks. In a Special Report released this week, Dr. Oz calls the viral internet movement “the most widespread trend in health science for men.”
This movement was sparked by a 10 year long study published last month. Researchers at Harvard Medical School determined the true consequences of low muscle mass. The study’s findings boil down to two parts: First, “93% of American men over 40 do not have healthy levels of muscle mass.” And second, fat to muscle ratio is the most important factor for determining health in men over 40. “High fat and low muscle ratios result in numerous health problems, including mental illness, low libido, ED, fatigue, and depression.”
“It’s an online community that is able to increase muscle mass by 400% with no gym.” - Dr. Oz
This viral movement includes men of all ages - even men in their 70s are getting ripped!
The movement's plan has gotten buy-in from health professionals, doctors, and celebrities. Arnold Schwarzenegger says that the movement has completely changed what he thought was possible from an all-natural supplementation - he’s been on the program for 3 months and claims to rarely workout while maintaining muscle mass. Another actor that has recently revealed daily use of the plan is Sylvester Stallone, who was quoted saying “I was losing muscle every second I was away for the gym until I started on this. But when I’m taking XexLift Male Enhancement I just never lose muscle. In fact, I increase mass even without the gym!”

“This online community is systematically destroying the 'Dad Body.' I've started on it and have lost 6 lbs in a week without any dietary or lifestyle changes.” - Dr. Phil
Men around the world are coming together in the war against high body fat and low muscle mass.
As I researched the movement thoroughly, it became obvious what was at its core--a revolutionary new supplement called XexLift Male Enhancement. It’s an exclusive blend of natural ingredients from Italy, Southeast Asia, Paraguay, and Botswana, that provide incredible effects safely.

“The dad bod is not muscular, it’s not strong, and it’s not healthy. It’s the enemy of billions of men around the world who don’t have time to spend at the gym or eat meticulously planned diets.” - Pavel Ladziak

“If I had this back when I was younger, I could have spent way more time vacationing and less time in the gym and planning meals.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger
XexLift Male Enhancement has been shown to:
- Boost Energy
- Build Muscle
- Burn Fat
- Increase Sex Drive
- Increase Efficiency Of The Metabolism
- Provide Numerous Antioxidants
- Eliminate Toxins
XexLift Male Enhancement unique ingredients:
A natural alpha amino-acid that acts as an hemodilator and boosts the Nitric Oxide levels in your body - clearing up your cardio system and opening it up to better absorb nutrients. The nitric oxide synthase enzyme also improves vasodilation to prevent clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), coronary artery disease, heart attacks and other cardiovascular conditions.
Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)
One of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. It is a key element in cell membranes and will keep toxins from getting inside liver cells. Early laboratory studies suggest that silymarin and other active substances in milk thistle may extend the lifespan of cells in your body.
Coleus Forskohlii
The diterpenoids in coleonol (active compound) are a powerful weight loss aid. Clinical studies show that it helps “melt” fatty tissue faster and more efficiently. This unique nutrient is also known to be used for people who suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders as a powerful relaxation aid.
Eurycoma Longifolia (Penawar Pahit)
This is one of Asia’s best kept secrets: Penawar is shown to boost virility and libido. In addition to the aphrodisiac effects, Eurycoma can also increase sperm production and may directly act as a proerectile agent. At least one molecule in Eurycoma (9-hydroxycanthin-6-one) is associated with both a delay in ejaculation as well as pro-erectile properties.
Testing XexLift Male Enhancement:
Week 1:
One week after starting I was surprised at the dramatic results. My energy level was up, and I was never hungry. A welcomed side effect of XexLift Male Enhancement is its power to curb the appetite.
Best of all, I didn’t have to change anything about my daily routine. On Day 7, I got on the scale and couldn’t believe my eyes. I had lost 4 pounds. But I still wasn’t convinced, since they say you lose a lot of water weight at the beginning of any diet. I wanted to wait and see the results in the upcoming weeks.
Week 3:
After 3 weeks, all my doubts and skepticism had absolutely vanished! I'm attractive again! I am down from a 40 to a 34 pant sizes after losing another 8 pounds. I'm also way stronger and look muscular. And I still have a ton of energy. In fact, my performance in bed is so much better than ever before. Right when I would normally stop sex, I find that I have energy boosts and keep going! It's been great for my relationship.
Week 4:
After the fourth week, my final results were shocking. I lost an unbelievable 16 pounds since starting XexLift Male Enhancement. And since I built significant amount of muscle that fat loss was probably double that. I believe the before and after picture says it all - way less fat and more muscle. Actually everyone at CNN is kicking themselves for not having volunteered to test it out.
My Results: I lost all visible fat and built significant muscle in 30 days using XexLift Male Enhancement
Like everyone here at CNN, you might be doubtful about the effects of the plan, but my advice is that you take advantage of this complimentary 30-day supply of XexLift Male Enhancement. Try it for yourself; the results are real. After conducting my personal study, I am confident in recommending the product to any man who does not have a healthy fat to muscle ratio. I have personally heard from hundreds of men who are finding success with it (myself included). And for a limited time the makers of XexLift Male Enhancement are offering a 1-month supply as a free gift to you, so you have nothing to lose. To order your bottle, follow the links I have provided and know that you are getting a quality product that works; no strings attached!
EDITOR'S NOTE:For a limited time, the Official Suppliers of XexLift Male Enhancement have agreed to offer a Free Month Supply to our readers.
Are You Ready To Say Goodbye To Your Dad Bod Forever?
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GET YOUR FREE BOTTLE Free Trial Promotion EndsFriday, March 14, 2025Thursday, May 31, 2018
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