SPECIAL REVIEW: 2 Stacked Supplements Boost Muscle Growth 600% — Should They Be Banned?
Get 6 Pack Abs in Just 1 Month With These 2 Muscle Supplements That Celebrities Use.

A new muscle stack exposed and reviewed that is quickly gaining popularity around the world. Read the shocking findings to building incredible muscle mass in less than 1 month.
(DHD) - For the past couple of months our readers have been going crazy over a new two product "body building stack" consisting of a testosterone boost and a fat burning supplement that has been helping men across the world build significant muscle mass and get shredded in less than 1 month. Best of all, with the renown industry success and confidence in the products, they are letting consumers sample the stack products for free for a limited time.
This amazing 2-step stack has been featured in many popular body building magazines and publications online and has become the new secret among many trainers and athletes. In fact, many celebrities, professional athletes, and Hollywood actors have all gained muscle mass and lost a significant amount of body fat with this 2 product stack.
The first product in the stack is a testosterone booster (Muscle Rev) and the second is fat burning supplement (Rev Test), which as been touted as the deadly combo for gaining fast muscle mass and getting insanely ripped. The two supplements are clinically proven to raise your testosterone levels by up to 4X and mimic steroids effects, while melting away body fat. — but not without controversy.
muscular celebrity bodies risk free..."
Critics say the compound in Muscle Rev called L-Arginine — gives athletes elevated testosterone levels and an "unfair advantage" that should be banned because it resembles steroids in it's benefits. Proponents argue that research shows the nutrient to be both natural, safe, and effective and that banning the natural compound would be akin to banning vitamins.
One thing people on both sides of this controversy agree on is that the combination of these two new supplements drastically works. While Muscle Rev elevates your natural testosterone levels in your body, Rev Test is melting away your body fat and getting you ripped.
But it's not just critics and athletes claiming the muscle building and fat burning effects of Muscle Rev and Rev Test, there is real clinical data to back up these claims.
On his testimonial he wrote,
"After sixty days of using Muscle Rev & Rev Test I know see the results I was lacking before. I went from 25% body fat at 186lbs to 15% body fat at 154lbs in a little over 60 days."
Let's cut to the chase: L-Arginine has mainly been used as an herbal testosterone booster, or included in formulations to promote increased muscle mass or strength. In a recent study, researchers provided athletes with L-arginine, They reported that circulating testosterone increased significantly – almost 4 times their initial free testosterone level. More importantly, there were no side effects reported.
According to another recent study, novice weight trainers who took L-Arginine for four weeks experienced a 250% increase in testosterone levels and significant lean muscle growth.
In fact, not only were there not any side effects, but men using the supplement actually experienced improved health measures across the board, including increasing their libido which boosts sexual drive and performance.
Despite doubts about Muscle Rev, the countless success stories reported worldwide, the clinical studies, and the celebrity results makes everyone take a second look at this trend. What is particularly interesting is the fact that these people saw results without having to significantly change their lifestyles or eating habits and they were able to gain results quickly. Combine Muscle Rev with Rev Test and you've created an automatic muscle building and fat burning machine.
- Increase testosterone by 99%
- Enhance athletic performance and strength
- Pump more blood into muscles by expanding veins and capillaries
- Deliver nutrients to muscles at a faster rate, which quickly builds lean, solid mass
- Give muscles more definition and size
- Have positive sexual side effects (I'm not even kidding, my favorite muscle seems bigger too. Probably from the expanded blood vessels)
- Increase the number of calories burned
- Fights free radical damage to muscles
- Have higher antioxidant levels than pomegranates and blueberries
- Increase energy and fight fatigue
- Burn calories even at rest
- Get rid of bloated "puffy" look
- Boost metabolism
- Clean out/detox colon and body which can increase energy & stamina
- Help give muscles shape and definition
As part of this review, one participant Rocco Laurie was covered who took part in trying Muscle Rev and Rev Test . Rocco was struggling in the gym not benefiting from any other supplement or diet he tried. Laurie decided to try Muscle Rev and Rev Test and provide his results over 60 days.
"I am 26 years old and started weight lifting about seven months ago. I have also been on a clean eating diet stacked with basic supplements of whey protein, creatine, and a pre workout drink. After months of pushing hard at the gym and eating great, I noticed results but nothing compared to everyone else I have been working out with. This was starting to discourage me in the gym. Then a good friend of mine mentioned to me that it is possible that my testosterone levels could be lower than normal, and could also explain my lack of gains in the gym.
After some research, I picked myself up two bottles of Muscle Rev and Rev Test, doubtfully hoping that testosterone booster would be the help I needed. And it was.
The effects I noticed first were a major increase in energy and strength gain. I was lifting 25lbs more on my bench-press in no time. I also noticed a change in my overall attitude and an increase in my sex drive due to the libido boost.
After 60 days of using Muscle Rev and Rev Test, I now see the results I was lacking before. I went from 26% body fat weighing 186lbs, to 15% body fat weighing 154lbs in a little over sixty days. My body is much more lean and my confidence levels are much higher now. I was hoping I would see minor results and got a lot more than I thought I would."

In conclusion, if you want to lose fat and gain muscle mass but are doubtful about the effects of this routine, you need to try it for yourself. From the countless success stories and Rocco above, they can tell you that the results are real. Below you can find risk free trial links to try Muscle Rev and Rev Test to give you a "try before you buy" opportunity to see you achieve the same results as others. But act fast, this promotion may not last long.