72-Year Old Grandma Discovers 2-Minute Wrinkle Reduction - Big Brands Threaten Lawsuit As She Gives The Recipe Away For Free...

(1411Weekly, Friday, March 14, 2025Thursday, May 31, 2018) - Polite 72-year-old grandma Beth Jacobs never imagined that one day the executives behind the beauty brands she grew up using would be furious at her. But that is exactly what has happened.

The humble grandma was struggling to make ends meet and had to cut pricey skincare products out of her budget.

It was during this time that the savvy granny decided to try her own hand at creating an anti-aging cream.

“To be honest, I never thought I could actually do it,” she admits.

“My skin was becoming very dry, to the point where it was cracking. I just wanted to create something that would help it heal,” Beth explains.

After looking up DIY recipes online, Beth turned her kitchen bench into her work station and set about concocting a range of different lotions and potions.

Beth says she combed forums and discussion boards for tips, tricks and most of all reviews.

“I had no idea what I was doing, so I only ever tried out recipes that other people had reviewed.”

It was during this experiment that Beth decided to couple together a few different recipes that she’d noticed small results from.

“It was sheer laziness really,” she says. “Instead of having a number of different moisturizers, I wanted to combine it all together so that I only had to use one cream.”

Unbeknownst to her at the time, Beth had just unlocked one of skincare science’s most baffling riddles. The 72-year old grandma had created a way to reduce wrinkles instantly.

Beth says she could hardly believe her eyes when she applied the cream and noticed an instant reduction.

After testing out the cream over a few days, she ended up sharing it with some close friends and family to see if they had the same results.

“We eventually sent the cream off for lab testing, which confirmed that the cream reduces up to 90% of fine lines and wrinkles instantly,” she explained.

The news of Beth’s discovery spread like wildfire and before she knew it she had more orders from friends and family than she could handle on her own.

It wasn’t until her granddaughter Rebecca suggested they sell the creams over the internet that Beth even thought of turning her discovery into a business.

“I was sceptical at first. I mean, I’m 72-years old, I have no idea how to run a business.”

To keep things simple, Rebecca set up an online website for her grandmother to sell her creams on…and on launch day, the website sold out within five minutes.

The pair have since hired staff to help them produce a larger quantity of the miracle cream, but they admit they’re having a hard time keeping up with demand.

Their company offers Wrinkle Couture. But the success of this product already has major skincare companies worried.


Wrinkle Couture uses two main ingredients to help counteract the signs of aging. Vitamin C and QuSome. When combined, it literally peels decades of skin damage from a woman’s face. Working together to erase wrinkles and fine lines from below the surface of the skin at a more cellular level, Vitamin C and QuSome are not only ultra-effective, but they are 100% safe to use as well.

Dr. OZ Calls Vitamin C "The Fountain of Youth":

"Proprietary Biosphere is the secret to cheat your age." - Dr. OZ

Proprietary Bisophere is a highly concentrated form of Vitamin C that penetrates deep into damaged skin and stimulates collagen production. Without an ample supply of this vital protein, the skin begins to sag. But with more collagen it becomes firm and plump. In one 2009 study, Proprietary Bisophere was linked to a 60% reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. Dr. OZ says that is why Wrinkle Couture is so effective. It is one of the few products on the market that contains high levels of Proprietary Biosphere in the proper consistency and dosage.

QuSome: The Answer to Healthier More Vibrant Skin

The second important ingredient used in Wrinkle Couture is QuSome. when combined with Proprietary Bisophere, it literally erases a decade of wear and tear from your face, making you look younger in just weeks.

QuSome works by binding to moisture. Able to hold 1,000 times its weight in water, QuSome is an excellent natural skin plumper. It helps the skin repair and rejuvenates itself after suffering from dryness, environmental stresses, and irritation. Despite its effectiveness, Wrinkle Couture remains one – if not the only – anti-aging formulas sold today that contains an effective concentration of QuSome.

PRAISE FOR Wrinkle Couture

“I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first tried Wrinkle Couture. My wrinkles disappeared right before my very eyes!” – Sharon Resky

“I was saving up for plastic surgery when I heard about Wrinkle Couture and decided to give it a go. Even with plastic surgery there is a long recovery time but the results with Wrinkle Couture are instantaneous. You can apply it and leave the house looking 10 years younger.” – Martha Trent

“I don’t even bother with makeup anymore. I simply apply Wrinkle Couture, watch the wrinkles fade away within a minute and then I feel ready to take on the world. Thank you Wrinkle Couture!” – Ellen Blom

“My friends were convinced that I’d had a face lift, you should have seen their faces when I told them my newfound confidence and smooth skin was all thanks to a cream. Needless to say they all jumped online and bought it as well.” – Liz Robinson

“Wrinkle Couture has changed my life. I used to be so self-conscious about the loose skin around my neck. A small application of Wrinkle Couture tightens it all up…in less than a minute. You really do have to see it to believe it.” – Leslyanne Max


Beth Jacobs and her granddaughter Rebecca want everyone to know what it feels like to have the power to erase wrinkles instantly...

So, they’ve decided to give our lucky readers a very special opportunity...

For a limited time you can try the original product – the Wrinkle Couture for FREE!

Beth is kindly giving away free samples of the moisturizer, the only thing you have to pay is the discounted shipping and handling fee of $4.95.


Lacey Johnson, age 53 submitted this photo of her results with Wrinkle Couture. You look great, Lacey!

"The Wrinkle Couture is the absolute best wrinkle removing product I've ever used. I thought my days of looking young were long gone. I can't thank you enough for this!"

Lacey Johnson
New York, NY


"I've been trying to get rid of my eye bags for almost 10 years. Wrinkle Couture got rid of them in a week. Thanks so much!"

Andrea Spender
Austin, TX


"For the first time in forever I am finally happy when I look in the mirror every morning. I haven't felt this confident in decades!"

Kelly McKay
Philadelphia, PA


"Thank God I didn't go through with that face lift... I got the same results, for less than a cup of coffee!"

Christina Novotney
Seattle, WA


"Ive only been using the Wrinkle Couture cream for 2 weeks, and I love it!!!!!!!! I have seen a visible change in my skin, best of all my husband complimented me on my skin after just 2 weeks!!!!! He thought I had foundation on, and I did'nt that is just fabulous!!!!!!!!"

Carol Keeton
Denver, CO


"I have been using Wrinkle Couture and I am incredibly impressed with the results! My skin is brighter and it is very apparent that my skin is more hydrated and dewy."

Briana Smith
Houston, TX


"YES!! Finally, I have found a skin care range that works. At 56 years old this is the first time I've had products that work for me."

Angie Clayton
Miami, FL

Special Offer

Step 1:

Free Samples are limited.
Expires on Friday, March 14, 2025Thursday, May 31, 2018


IMPORTANT: During clinical testing it was proven that you MUST use this product DAILY to achieve similar results.

Update: Only 2 Samples Still Available. Free Sample Promotion Ends: Friday, March 14, 2025Thursday, May 31, 2018

Step 1:Free Sample Of Wrinkle Couture

Take advantage of our exclusive link and pay only $4.95 for shipping!

This special offer ends: Friday, March 14, 2025Thursday, May 31, 2018

Recent # Comments

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Tohloria Lewis

I have been using this Anti Aging cream for 3 weeks now, and I seriously look 5 years younger! Not quite as good as Beth, but I will take it when it was less than 5 bucks for shipping! My crow's feet and laugh lines are melting away more and more every day. Thank you so much for reporting on this!

Reply. 12 minutes ago

Tanya Porquez

I saw Beth presenting Wrinkle Couture on CNN a while ago and am still using the cream. I've been using the products for about 6 wks. Honestly, this is unbelievable, all I have to say is WOW.

Reply. 13 minutes ago

Jennifer Jackson Mercer

A friend of mine used and recommended it to me 3 weeks ago. I ordered the product and received it within 3 days. The results have been incredible and I can't wait to see what weeks 3 and 4 bring.

Reply. 25 minutes ago

Kristy Cash

I wish I knew about this product before I had botox injections! It would have saved a heck of a lot of money!

Reply. 46 minutes ago

Katy Barrott

I can't believe this is really free! I am very much pleased after using this product.

Reply. about an hour ago

Amanda Gibson

I saw this on the news. How lucky is Kim to have been given this opportunity!?!?! Thank you for sharing this article! I just ordered my free sample.

Reply. 1 hour ago

Julie Keyse

probably I'm a bit older than most of you folks. but Wrinkle Couture worked for me too! LOL! I can't say anything more exciting. Thanks for the inspiration!

Reply. 2 hours ago

Sarah Williams

My sister did this a few months ago, I waited to order my sample to see if it really worked and then they stopped giving out the samples! what a dumb move that turned out to be. glad to see the samples are back again, I wont make the same mistake.

Reply. 2 hours ago

Kirsten Bauman Riley

I'm going to give this product a chance to work its magic on me. I've tried everything out there and so far nothing has been good enough to help me.

Reply. 2 hours ago

Celia Kilgard

worked for me! It worked just like I thought it would. It was easy enough and I just want others to know when something works.

Reply. 2 hours ago

Alanna 'martin' Payne

Thanks for the info, just started mine.

Reply. 2 hours ago

Alice Chang

Been so busy with the kids lately that I'm never able to find deals like this. I'll give it a shot!

Reply. 2 hours ago

Mark Fadlevich

Always impressed with the deals you guys dig up, got my sample. Can't wait to see what you've got lined up next week.

Reply. 2 hours ago

Ashley O'Brien Berlin

Yes this stuff is amazing! My best friend Gina uses this, I've been trying for years to get rid of my wrinkles and nothing was helping. You alerted me to the possibility of achieving my goals, which is looking great for my daughter's wedding. I just ordered the free sample and I have a very good feeling about it!!

Reply. 2 hours ago

Amanda Hickam

Hey Christine, i just placed my order. I can't wait to get my Wrinkle Couture!! Thanks, Aimee xoxoxo.

Reply. 3 hours ago

Brittany Jackson

My mom just e-mailed me this, a friend at work had told her about it. i guess it works really well

Reply. 3 hours ago

Shellie Wilson Hodge

Telling all my friends about this, thanx for the info

Reply. 3 hours ago

Jill Phongsa

wasn't sure about ordering online but this deal seals it for me, didn't want to miss out. checked out the pages and all is encrypted and good. looking forward to my new looks

Reply. 4 hours ago

Molly Murley Davis

I've gone ahead and ordered my sample. I can't wait to get started and see what happens.

Reply. 6 hours ago

Jenna Ponchot Bush

As a realtor it's important to look and feel my best, unfortunately the housing Bethet isn't doing that great so cash has been a little tight lately. Thanks for the info, looking forward to receiving my sample bottle.

Reply. 8 hours ago

Laura Kelch Miranda

I have tried so much of this kind of stuff, in one sense I want to try it but in the back of my mind I am thinking, yeah right!! Someone please reassure me it works.

Reply. 8 hours ago

Sara Bergheger

I tried the wrinkle cream thing a while ago and it worked pretty good.

Reply. 8 hours ago

Lauren Kirschenbaum Silver

For once I was able to do something nice for myself without feeling guilty about the cost. Can't beat free.

Reply. 8 hours ago

Gotmy Mindframe Right

Had no idea you could get results like this.

Reply. 9 hours ago

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