EXCLUSIVE: Top-Secret Method allowed a young mother from Sydney to break the world record: 12kg in 4 weeks!
For the past couple of months our readers have been going crazy over two weight loss products that are helping men and women across the world get rid of the fat around their bodies. It has already been featured on many popular TV shows all over the world. Diet experts are shocked at the results - it manages to be especially effective with people who are usually resistant to all kinds of diets and exercise.
However, the biggest achievement so far has been that of 36-year-old Stephanie Welding from Sydney who has lost 24kg in less than 2 months, without any diet or exercise! Despite such a radical change of body mass, her health wasn't affected and for over 5 months she's maintained her new weight and feels happy as never before. Stephanie:
"I felt as if my body was changing into a fat-burning machine"
How did she manage to lose 24kg in such a short time? And how does this method work?
Stephanie's report:
My lifestyle had never made it easy for me to lose weight, I've always been a sweet-tooth and didn't feel like going to the gym or taking too much care of myself, so I wasn't really a slim, attractive kind of girl. My husband didn't mind that too much, but once in a while, when chatting to his friends, he would mention that
'she's not exactly Angelina Jolie...'
It wasn't too nice to hear, but I can't blame him as I'd really let myself go, especially in the last 4 years. I tried to change something a few times, but real discipline and scrupulous counting of calories sounded bizzare to me. Naturally, I'd gone through attempts that lasted a few days, various treatments, but I knew how they would end even before I started. The great breakthrough came on September 13th.
I remember that sunny, brisk day and the peaceful atmosphere that in no way indicated the tremendous changes which were coming my way in the form of a little white bottle full of magical pills. I got it from my sister who was living in the US and it had a note attached to it that read: 'Give it a go, Stephanie, here in the US it's
'an absolute weight loss hit.'
It contained 2 different pills created in accordance with the Flat Stomach Principle, which is aimed at replenishing the single nutrient in the body that's responsible for burning excess fat. Was it really why no diet so far had worked for me?
I was curious. I started researching the Flat Stomach Principle and the supplement and read thousands of opinions on different websites. They wrote that the products worked great on slow metabolism and was very effective, and it didn't develop dependency. I couldn't get it in the UK back then. I was lucky enough to get my 2 packages for a way smaller price than my sister had paid, which was more than enough for a 2-month treatment. I took 2 pills every day, before breakfast and dinner, I also drank more water than usual. And that was it - no special diet or exercise. And the weight was systematically dropping since day one.
I felt as if the fat was disappearing into thin air!
I had a feeling that my body had turned into a calorie-burning machine - my belly was getting smaller day by day, the contours of muscles appeared almost instantly. After 8 weeks I weighed 55kg. I'd lost 24kg. I definitely look a few years younger now, more manly, fashionable clothes fit me and I feel attractive... and those furtive glances from women :D. I exude positive energy and life is starting to taste 10 times better.
We've asked a dietitian, dr Julia Weston, who uses this product to treat patients with obesity, where exactly the strength of Garcinia Total supplement lies.
How can losing weight be so natural, safe and effective at the same time?
The power of this combination lies in its most important ingredient - Garcinia Cambogia (tiny fruit from South America with the highest ORAC factor indicating the amount of antioxidants). Nowadays, the diet of most societies is completely devoid of this significant nutrient. People struggling with obesity use low-calorie diets, try to eat products commonly recognized as healthy, yet still can't lose weight. And that's because of that missing ingredient.
This single ingredient destroys all redundant adipose cells
People possess three types of fat, including the most problematic abnormal fat situated on the belly, buttocks and in the waist area. It cannot be burned without the presence of antioxidants. Modern food hardly ever contains this ingredient which results in the body losing access to the 'worst' type of fat. The only way to replenish your diet with the right amount of antioxidants is supplementation. Garcinia Total supplement contains Garcinia Cambogia and has the highest dose of antioxidants. That's where the weight loss wonders come from.
It's 3 times more effective than other methods!
It turns out that with a balanced diet and the support of the Garcinia Total and Cleanse Total supplements losing weight takes place 3 times faster than with the use of other diet methods. It means that within a week you can lose 3kg instead 1kg lost by traditional methods.
The products work in 3 phases:
- First, Garcinia Total thoroughly burns off redundant adipose tissue from every part of the body
- Next, Cleanse Total cleanses the whole body of any remaining fat deposits or toxins
- Finally, Garcinia Total also stimulates metabolism, protecting your body from the yo-yo effect
Apart from the natural extract of Amazonian fruit, the supplements contain four other ingredients reinforcing its effect: EGCG which regulates blood sugar levels, caffeine which provides the body with energy to work harder, green tea which assists in the cleansing of the body and chromium which accelerates the metabolism.
In Australia, you can buy Garcinia Total and Cleanse Total (60 pills) directly online from the manufacturers below. Follow the instructions below to get your own supply securely.
Step 1: Get your FREE bottle of Garcinia Total
- 100% pure, premium Garcinia Cambogia extract
- 1,000mg per serving as recommended by studies
- All-Natural 60% HCA content per serving
- Made in the USA - FDA/GNP certified laboratory
- Comes With a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Step 2: Combine it with a FREE bottle of Cleanse Total
- Clear toxins from colon and bloodstream
- Strengthen liver's ability to filter toxins
- Reduce gas and stomach bloating
- Increase metabolism and fat-burning
- Comes With a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Step 3:
Take one pill of Garcinia Total in the morning and one pill Cleanse Total in the evening. Remember to buy both products to achieve the same results as in our test. Try to drink a lot of water, it'll speed up the cleansing of your body even further. You should be seeing the weight starting to drop in the first week! Enjoy your new body!
July 15, 2016
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Step 1:
TODAY ONLY - Use our FREE Exclusive Promo Link & pay only $3.82
$15.99on shipping feesStep 2:
TODAY ONLY - Use our FREE Exclusive Promo Link & pay only $3.82
$15.99on shipping feesStep 3:
Take one pill of Garcinia Total in the morning and one pill Cleanse Total in the evening. Remember to buy both products to achieve the same results as in our test. Try to drink a lot of water, it'll speed up the cleansing of your body even further. You should be seeing the weight starting to drop in the first week! Enjoy your new body!
July 15, 2016