EXCLUSIVE: Top-Secret Method allowed a young mother from Sydney to break the world record: 12kg in 4 weeks!

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For the past couple of months our readers have been going crazy over two weight loss products that are helping men and women across the world get rid of the fat around their bodies. It has already been featured on many popular TV shows all over the world. Diet experts are shocked at the results - it manages to be especially effective with people who are usually resistant to all kinds of diets and exercise.

However, the biggest achievement so far has been that of 36-year-old Stephanie Welding from Sydney who has lost 24kg in less than 2 months, without any diet or exercise! Despite such a radical change of body mass, her health wasn't affected and for over 5 months she's maintained her new weight and feels happy as never before. Stephanie:

"I felt as if my body was changing into a fat-burning machine"

How did she manage to lose 24kg in such a short time? And how does this method work?

Stephanie's report:

My lifestyle had never made it easy for me to lose weight, I've always been a sweet-tooth and didn't feel like going to the gym or taking too much care of myself, so I wasn't really a slim, attractive kind of girl. My husband didn't mind that too much, but once in a while, when chatting to his friends, he would mention that

'she's not exactly Angelina Jolie...'

It wasn't too nice to hear, but I can't blame him as I'd really let myself go, especially in the last 4 years. I tried to change something a few times, but real discipline and scrupulous counting of calories sounded bizzare to me. Naturally, I'd gone through attempts that lasted a few days, various treatments, but I knew how they would end even before I started. The great breakthrough came on September 13th.

I remember that sunny, brisk day and the peaceful atmosphere that in no way indicated the tremendous changes which were coming my way in the form of a little white bottle full of magical pills. I got it from my sister who was living in the US and it had a note attached to it that read: 'Give it a go, Stephanie, here in the US it's

'an absolute weight loss hit.'

shoppersIt contained 2 different pills created in accordance with the Flat Stomach Principle, which is aimed at replenishing the single nutrient in the body that's responsible for burning excess fat. Was it really why no diet so far had worked for me?
I was curious. I started researching the Flat Stomach Principle and the supplement and read thousands of opinions on different websites. They wrote that the products worked great on slow metabolism and was very effective, and it didn't develop dependency. I couldn't get it in the UK back then. I was lucky enough to get my 2 packages for a way smaller price than my sister had paid, which was more than enough for a 2-month treatment. I took 2 pills every day, before breakfast and dinner, I also drank more water than usual. And that was it - no special diet or exercise. And the weight was systematically dropping since day one.

I felt as if the fat was disappearing into thin air!

I had a feeling that my body had turned into a calorie-burning machine - my belly was getting smaller day by day, the contours of muscles appeared almost instantly. After 8 weeks I weighed 55kg. I'd lost 24kg. I definitely look a few years younger now, more manly, fashionable clothes fit me and I feel attractive... and those furtive glances from women :D. I exude positive energy and life is starting to taste 10 times better.

Stephanie Welding from Sydney (36) has lost 24kg by taking a pill of Garcinia Total and one pill of Cleanse Total every day for 8 weeks.

We've asked a dietitian, dr Julia Weston, who uses this product to treat patients with obesity, where exactly the strength of Garcinia Total supplement lies.

How can losing weight be so natural, safe and effective at the same time?

shoppersThe power of this combination lies in its most important ingredient - Garcinia Cambogia (tiny fruit from South America with the highest ORAC factor indicating the amount of antioxidants). Nowadays, the diet of most societies is completely devoid of this significant nutrient. People struggling with obesity use low-calorie diets, try to eat products commonly recognized as healthy, yet still can't lose weight. And that's because of that missing ingredient.

This single ingredient destroys all redundant adipose cells


People possess three types of fat, including the most problematic abnormal fat situated on the belly, buttocks and in the waist area. It cannot be burned without the presence of antioxidants. Modern food hardly ever contains this ingredient which results in the body losing access to the 'worst' type of fat. The only way to replenish your diet with the right amount of antioxidants is supplementation. Garcinia Total supplement contains Garcinia Cambogia and has the highest dose of antioxidants. That's where the weight loss wonders come from.

It's 3 times more effective than other methods!

It turns out that with a balanced diet and the support of the Garcinia Total and Cleanse Total supplements losing weight takes place 3 times faster than with the use of other diet methods. It means that within a week you can lose 3kg instead 1kg lost by traditional methods.
The products work in 3 phases:

  1. First, Garcinia Total thoroughly burns off redundant adipose tissue from every part of the body
  2. Next, Cleanse Total cleanses the whole body of any remaining fat deposits or toxins
  3. Finally, Garcinia Total also stimulates metabolism, protecting your body from the yo-yo effect

Apart from the natural extract of Amazonian fruit, the supplements contain four other ingredients reinforcing its effect: EGCG which regulates blood sugar levels, caffeine which provides the body with energy to work harder, green tea which assists in the cleansing of the body and chromium which accelerates the metabolism.

In Australia, you can buy Garcinia Total and Cleanse Total (60 pills) directly online from the manufacturers below. Follow the instructions below to get your own supply securely.

Special FREE bottle offer for our readers:

Step 1: bottlepic1Get your FREE bottle of Garcinia Total

  • 100% pure, premium Garcinia Cambogia extract
  • 1,000mg per serving as recommended by studies
  • All-Natural 60% HCA content per serving
  • Made in the USA - FDA/GNP certified laboratory
  • Comes With a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Use our FREE Exclusive Promo Link & pay only $3.82 $15.99 on shipping fees. (Free Trial Expires On July 15, 2016)

Step 2: bottlepic2Combine it with a FREE bottle of Cleanse Total

  • Clear toxins from colon and bloodstream
  • Strengthen liver's ability to filter toxins
  • Reduce gas and stomach bloating
  • Increase metabolism and fat-burning
  • Comes With a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Use our FREE Exclusive Promo Link & pay only $3.82 $15.99 on shipping fees. (Free Trial Expires On July 15, 2016)

Step 3:

Take one pill of Garcinia Total in the morning and one pill Cleanse Total in the evening. Remember to buy both products to achieve the same results as in our test. Try to drink a lot of water, it'll speed up the cleansing of your body even further. You should be seeing the weight starting to drop in the first week! Enjoy your new body!

FREE Trial offer valid until:
July 15, 2016

Comments (47/47)

Read replies to the article: " EXCLUSIVE: Top-Secret Method allowed a local mother to break the world record: 12kg in 4 weeks! ! "
My friends and I had been looking for news on effective methods of losing weight for a long time. A few months ago some scientist conducted research on Garcinia Cambogia and we couldn't wait to hear about the results of his study! As soon as the article got published and the product appeared on the market, we placed an order together (thanks to which we got 2 packagesdelivered FOR FREE) and in the end each one of us has lost over 10kg. It's a great product and it's changed our lives. Good luck to anyone who is making use of this opportunity.
I saw this report on TV the next day and I couldn't believe the results. Next month I’m getting married so this is an ideal moment to order. Thanks for the tip-off!
I've read the article, clicked and ordered. I can’t wait for the results. I’m waiting for the package :)
All of my friends are talking about Garcinia Cambogia. I've even heard my mother talking about this diet recently saying that a friend of hers had lost 9kg in 15 days. You should really give it a go! I know I'm ordering :)
I'm really glad this product's working for you :) Good luck!
This product is incredible! My best friend Emily has used it and lost a huge amount of weight.. I couldn’t believe it and I had to do some research on my own. I've found this article myself. I was surprised that they offered a free trial(you either lose weight or they return your money)! I know Emily has spent around £150 and she was delighted. This is a gift from above, thank you so much!
I’ve been fighting with my weight all my life and I hope this is the answer. I clicked the order button and filled out the form. A dietician called me back immediately for a consultation, another lady confirmed the address and personal details. Pure professionalism. I’ve also joined a gym. I’m going to lose 9kg before the summer!
Hi, I've just ordered 2 boxes and can’t wait for the delivery to arrive. I'll start taking them straight away, I hope the box contains instructions. Thanks, Elizabeth XOXOXO
My wife has used this product (she buys everything that can let her lose weight), of course I laughed at her as until now nothing has worked... well now I have to admit I was wrong. Her results are great. She looks and feels fabulous and we're both grateful, I’m about to start too!
A friend of mine recommended to me a product containing that fruit 3 weeks ago. I ordered and received it within 3 business days (even though i didnt have to pay for shipping). The results were incredible and I can't wait to see what will happen after week 3 and 4 :))
To be honest, motivation is very important but I have to check whether this thing with the hollywood stars isn't just another scam, I'll but 2 packages and let you know if it works
I'm with you all the way melissa. I've had it just the same. So far I've lost 12kg with Garcinia Total and I'm feeling really great. It's easier to take care of personal hygiene now and there's less strain on the joints. Let us know how it went for you
I'll wait and try it out when i see more comments
Is it also a good way to lose weight gained in pregnancy?
It sounds unbelievable... but so many people on forums claim it works, so it's got to work. I'm starting tomorrow!
I've tried many things as far as ineffective weight loss is concerned. I've gone through all the diets, too. I did lose 6kg but I always got the yoyo effect. I don't want to risk it with Garcinia Total and I'm warning you too.
Test it and then tell us how it went it helped me and many others, but it can't help everyone.
I think it's just another scam
Hi, your opinions are very flattering, I'm not really for or against it, but is it a good thing? I've just ordered this product and would like to lose as much as possible. I'm obese, but nobody suspects that my problems with weight are related to my thyroid - I had the gland removed 4 years ago. I'm interested after learning how much weight you can lose - but will it work for me? I'm also going to swim and work out regularly. We'll see how Garcinia Total deals with my problem. All the best to all of you and good luck!
wow amazing product 4kg less in a week!
i tried it only with corn oil, but i can't see much difference between the results, but the upside is i took to the taste of corn :) If you try it in pills with caffeine let us all know.
Woooaaah! I've recently bought Garcinia Total about 2 weeks ago and since then i've lost 4kg and I'm very happy. I've just ordered 3 new packages including one for a friend!!! This is just too good to be true! I've tried many different diets and each time felt disappointed, but not this time. Stop wasting money on other pills and try Garcinia Total
It's going well i've lost 0.12kg in the first 4 days. IT'S a very good result considering the fact i've been spending lots of time in the office lately and had even less chance to move than usual. Does caffeine make it more effective?
Hi, I've tried this product and lost only 10kg in a month
thanks for the information, i hope the appetite will go away in time and i'll have the same results as the rest of you.
I'm quite surprised you had it like that, I stopped feeling hungry right from the start, maybe that's why I'm losing weight then there were ups and downs but it's okay, maybe it's just the way it works for you, let us know how it goes Good luck!
Since I started taking Garcinia Total I've felt as energized as never before, I'm only worried that my appetite's increased, but I hope that will just go away on its own, I'll let you know how it goes
From my experience I know it doesn't pay to buy something on impulse, I never do that, so before getting Garcinia Total, I looked through all the blogs and forums. Its big advantage is that it contains Garcinia Cambogia which works great for losing weight. It's safe, doesn't make you feel dizzy, give you palpitations or cause problems with sleep. I've been taking Garcinia Total for 3 days and I've already lost 0.12kg, so it looks like I'm going to make it this time!
HI, i've tried Garcinia Total and lost 14kg in a month, a year has passed and the extra weight still hasnt returned!
keep my fingers crossed! Never give up!!! It'll be alright!!!
I got a bottle of Garcinia Total for birthday. My mom said she'd lost weight so she wanted to share it with me so as not to let her daughter be worse off :) After 26 pills I felt that my pants weren't as tight as before. I can definitely feel them getting loose:) yay!
When i've read your comments, i thought what the hell, i can't lose anything and i ordered :)
Monique Da Silva
Ive been taking it for 3 weeks now and so far I've lost 2kg :( I'm counting on more, hope it works.
I've also lost some weight! Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you!
I'm 22 and my goal was to lose 12kg. At the beginning i didnt believe I could make it, but i kept on experimenting. I took different supplements, fat-burners, etc. Some of them gave me pimples and a strange kind of acne. Finally I read an article on Garcinia Total and started using it while weighing 96kg. After 3 months my weight dropped to 70.12kg. My order always arrived on time, and being systematic is crucial. Customer service - full professionalism. Drawing from my own experience I recommend Garcinia Total to my family and friends. I can honestly admit that it's a great product!
I started off with one bottle and that was enough to lose 14kg. Now I want to order more to lose another 14kg before the summer and finally be able to put on that bikini. In my opinion it's the best weight loss product I've ever tried, there are no side effects, and what's more I don't do any exercise because I don't have time. This solution is ideal for anyone like me! Much recommended
I'm a 30-year-old woman and I've tried to lose weight with Allie but that brought hardly any results at all. After that I started using Garcinia Total , I was taking it for 3 months and after the first one lost 2kg using a healthy diet and exercise... The best thing was I didnt experience any unwanted side effects like palpitations or insomnia. In the past I was forced to stop using medicine because of that. I've already ordered another bottle, I recommend this product to all of my friends.
Lady Retro
I'd been trying to lose weight for ages. It was always a lost fight for me. I'm 32 and I used to hate my body. Since I had my second baby, my weight wasn't changing at all. Each attempt was in vain. I tried different supplements, pills, fat-burners, aloe vera, cabbage diet. I couldn't see any results or maybe I wasn't patient enough. No wonder I approached this product with scepticism. But then I asked myself what could I lose? Nothing. Additionally I can get my money back after a month. So I bought Garcinia Total and waited 2 days for the delivery. I started taking it and waited impatiently for the first results. After first 7 days I've lost 5kg. I feel great and I have much more energy than before. With other products I have used before I didn't feel any different, I wasn't so energized. The results are clearly different after using Garcinia Total . I'm really happy and excited to see how many kilos I can lose. Previously I couldn't keep up for longer than a week. I have a graduation party coming up and a family meeting so I can't wait to tell my mother how great this product is for me and that I'm losing weight! She'll see it for herself anyway:)
Unfortunately I can't boast about any long-term effects as I've been using Garcinia Total for just 1 week, but believe it or not I've lost 5kg in the first 7 days, and there's still 40 to go! I'll make it, i must :)
I've lost almost 12kg with one bottle of Garcinia Total... It's a good thing this product is legal, because I feel so energised and full of life, but it must be all that happiness!:) AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE!
greetings from ipswich!

Comment :

Special FREE bottle offer for our readers:

Step 1:

bottlepic1Get your FREE bottle of Garcinia Total
TODAY ONLY - Use our FREE Exclusive Promo Link & pay only $3.82 $15.99 on shipping fees

Step 2:

bottlepic2Combine it with a FREE bottle of Cleanse Total
TODAY ONLY - Use our FREE Exclusive Promo Link & pay only $3.82 $15.99 on shipping fees

Step 3:

Take one pill of Garcinia Total in the morning and one pill Cleanse Total in the evening. Remember to buy both products to achieve the same results as in our test. Try to drink a lot of water, it'll speed up the cleansing of your body even further. You should be seeing the weight starting to drop in the first week! Enjoy your new body!

FREE Trial offer valid until:
July 15, 2016

Special free bottle offer expiring in 14:53 Click here