I will never worry about amputation again

My diabetes is a thing of the past!

Hello, my name is Sarah and I’ve always been told that my diabetes was incurable, and I would have to use insulin for the rest of my life. I was pricking my finger constantly, and I was so worried about having to get an amputation and becoming a burden to my family.

Recently, I learned some information that blew my mind: even though my pancreas was useless, I could still reverse my diabetes – with my liver!

You can imagine how shocked I was.

See, I was reading some research that a friend sent me. At first it was hard to understand. After all, I’m not a doctor.

But really, it was all so simple.

The liver makes something called “insulin-like growth factor,” or IGF. It regulates glucose, just like insulin, except it’s 100x more effective!

The best part for me was the fact that I didn’t have to take any pills. IGF doesn’t come as an injection. You just have to get your liver to start producing more IGF.

And all you need to do is eat the right foods. These foods activate your body’s natural IGF, reversing your diabetes for good.

I didn’t really think that food was the answer to my diabetes, but I was desperate. What if I got glaucoma? What if renal failure put me in the hospital? I knew I couldn’t burden my family with those risks, so I tried it out.

Don't let diabetic complications get the best of you...foot ulcers, neuropathy, renal failure, retinopathy, gastroparesis, high blood pressure, or even worse, amputation. Every year, diabetes kills more Americans than AIDS and breast cancer combined. Don’t become a statistic!

In less than three weeks, my diabetes was reversed with this proven method.

My doctor confirmed it. He was even more surprised than I was. He even called in a nurse to make sure he wasn’t crazy.

He didn’t understand how it was possible. But to me, it was pretty obvious: companies make billions of dollars on our diabetes treatments. No way they’ll let us know that we can reverse our diabetes without them!

And just think about how much money hospitals make doing amputations on diabetic patients, or even glaucoma surgery.

I’m guessing we would know about this sooner if they could make IGF pills, but they can’t. IGF is made in our own bodies, so the answer was inside of us this whole time.

You're probably thinking this won’t work for you. But it worked for me, and it worked for thousands of other patients who used to have diabetes.

And all you have to do is eat a few foods that cost about $17 at the grocery store. So why not give it a try?

Watch this quick and free presentation to find out what foods you need to boost your IGF and cure your diabetes. Trust me – when you don’t have to prick your finger or worry about amputation any more, you’ll be glad you did it.

Watch To Fix Your Diabetes >>

This diabetes information section was first published on 15 July 2015 and last updated on 14 undefined 202513 undefined 2016.

Disclaimer: This informational section on Health Research 24 is regularly reviewed and updated, and provided for general information purposes only. The materials contained within this guide do not constitute medical or pharmaceutical advice, which should be sought from qualified medical and pharmaceutical advisers.

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