How To Prevent $1000s in Costly Car Repairs (Mechanics Aren't Happy About it)
October 17, 2017 | Sponsored by FIXD

Car mechanics worried that soon everyone will have one of these…
New device brings the power of your local mechanic into the palm of your hand. You can now see if there is anything wrong with your car right on your smartphone or tablet in easy to understand terms. Avoid getting ripped off and walk into your auto repair shop knowing 100% what needs fixing and what doesn’t.
Here is a story that we can all relate to. One day that annoying “check engine” light comes on. You have a hunch it’s a small electrical issue and decide to stop off at your car mechanic. Before you know it you’re told it’s a major problem and you end paying over $1,001.74 to replace your catalytic converter.
Mechanics know that most people don’t know enough about their cars. They quote you problems that your car may or may not have. Until now you had no way to verify whether their claims were true.
Finally there is a way to stick it to the shady mechanics!
The first simple car health scanner
FIXD is the first device that allows you to easily see problems with your car in simple terms anyone can understand.
The inventors of FIXD were fed up watching their loved ones get taken advantage of at auto shops. They had enough and decided to create a device that would solve this problem and that anyone can afford. It uses a cars OBD (on-board diagnostics) port - the same one that auto mechanics use in their diagnostics.
In less time then it takes to pull into your garage this device will tell you exactly what is wrong with your car in simple terms that your grandmother would even understand. So next time your mechanic tries to rip you off, you can call them out on it.
WATCH: Real Mechanic's Review
How To Use FIXD
- Plug it into your car's port – takes less than 15 seconds with no tools required
- Sync it with your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS) – Using their free app
- Instantly get updates so you will see if there is anything wrong with your car
Bonus Tip 1: In addition to diagnosing problems, FIXD will send you alerts when your car is due for scheduled maintenance needs, and more!
Bonus Tip 2: If your “Check Engine” light is caused by a minor problem you can easily turn it off using the FIXD app.
What Real People Are Saying About FIXD
The best way to check out a new product is to look at real reviews from real people. This is what people are saying:
How Much Will It Cost and Best Place to Get One
You would think FIXD would charge a few hundred dollars for a product that can save you literally $1,000’s in repairs, but the good news for you is that the founders created a device that everyone could afford - this is the reason why mechanics are worried. They wanted to help as many drivers avoid being scammed and prevent unneccesary costly repairs.
FIXD retails for $59 and can be purchased on their official site here.
(Note: beware of knock offs, buy only from the official site)
The company wants every car owner to get a FIXD device. They are now offering a special summer promotion “Buy 2, Get 1 FREE” to all new customers.
Get FIXD for your family and friends for less than $40/ea instead of $59/ea!
Click here to visit the official site »
***Mechanics are fighting this product and are lobbying to make them illegal for consumers to use. As of 06/13/2018 it is still available for purchase, so make sure to get it now before it’s too late.
By Amazon Customer on July 10, 2017
Size: WiFi for iOS & Android | Verified Purchase
This thing is awesome, and especially for the price. Hooked up immediately to my iPhone 7 with my 1996 Passat. I used the "OBD Fusion" iPhone App and it showed me the minor reason my Check Engine light was on...then I turned off the Check Engine light with it. Couldn't be happier with it, awesome.
Five Stars
By Tim Comptonon July 9, 2017
Size: Bluetooth for Android | Verified Purchase
LOVE IT!!! This quickly became my go to code reader
Works for Hybrid
By BryanML on July 8, 2017
Size: Bluetooth for Android | Verified Purchase
Works with 2012 Ford Fustion 2.5L Hybrid and DashCommand
Worth a lot more in time saved and ease of use.
By buck on July 6, 2017
Size: Bluetooth for Android | Verified Purchase
Works great, easy to use worked effortlessly no issues was able to clear my check engine light and diagnose the issues causing it. Worth a lot more just to saverify the trip to an auto parts store to borrow one. Also gave me instant access to multiple sources for code explanation. I am very satisfied with quick shipment great price and solid product. Will update after I get more use from it.
Great alternative to having to go to the shop
By Probably Stoned on July 5, 2017
Size: Bluetooth for Android | Verified Purchase
I had a little trouble learning to use this with the free Torque app but I got it to do what I needed it to! My O2 sensor was not completing on my 2005 Civic, and this allowed me to check up on it.
Perfect for both iOS and Android!
By R S. on June 5, 2017
Size: WiFi for iOS & Android | Verified Purchase
This OBD2 scanner works like it should. I pair it with the free Carista app on the iPhone via wifi and it works like a charm. I can scan for codes and also clear them out. I haven't used it to give real time data as I don't have the need for it but it does the main job or reading codes well. I was too lazy to configure the WiFi settings so that I can use data while it is synced to the phone, but I just took a screen shot of my codes and google'd them afterwards. It is made of plastic but looks sturdy. The best thing is the small size, compared to a previous one I had used, I forgot I had it plugged in. You can't even see it once it's in the slot and have no fear of bumping it out. I would definitely recommend it for iPhone and Android users alike. Remember that iPhone users need a WiFi connection for the OBD2 scanners to work. Android users have it good by being able to use bluetooth too. That is not a product issue but an Apple issue. You can't beat it for the price.
No issues with WiFi and worked for me.
By Phillip on September 15, 2016
Size: WiFi for iOS & Android | Verified Purchase
My daughter's car check engine light came on. I attempted to read the code with my OBD-II wired code reader that I bought a few years ago from Harbor Freight and kept getting a link error. I verified that the reader worked with my truck but I couldn't get it to work in her car. I had a local auto shop check their code reader worked so I decided to purchase a new code reader to replace mine. This one came in a blister pack package in a padded envelope. It included clear instructions as well as recommendations for apps based upon your phone. I used it with a IPhone 4s and a couple of different free versions of the apps. I noticed some reviews were negative based on issues with the wifi but my connected without any problem. I believe the apps were OBD II doctor and fusion OBD II. I was able to immediately connect via wifi and read the code with both apps. I eventually paid for the full version of fusion so that I could erase the code and it also allows for much more monitoring processes. I'm still learning about some of the functions but for the most part, I just use the code reader to determine the problem and to clear the lights while I troubleshoot and repair. This particular code was a P033 (I think) that corresponded to cylinder 3 misfire. The problem ended up being fuel injector related which I fixed with a couple of tanks of gas with SeaFoam added. 3 weeks and no return of the check engine light. I do not leave the reader connected all the time, just for maybe an hour while troubleshooting and reading codes so I didn't notice any problems with it getting hot as others have mentioned. Overall Recommendation: YES, I would recommend this item.