Welcome everybody on the show “MODERN LIFE”

Today the beauty industry tells a lot about feminine standards. Tall skinny ladies with long legs and wasp waists speckle on the fashion magazine’s covers and on TV. Surely, women want to be slim and beautiful but the ways to do it fast and without some negative impact on the organism are not so numerous.

That’s why we decided to discuss this point on our show. Today we are going to speak with woman who managed to lose 120 pounds in the shortest time possible. Alice, you are welcome!

Hello, Michael, all guests and experts! My name is Alice, I’m 23 and I would like to share my weight loss story with you! I hope it can help people who want to get rid of excess weight.

“Fatty, pig, chubby” - that was I heard all my life. People were telling it right in the face… Now I weigh 120-130 pounds but when I was 14 I couldn’t be proud of way I looked. My weight was about 250 lbs! A sluggish girl with lots of flesh on her bones... Can you imagine?

That’s so impressive. But what did you induce to start the weight loss process? And what did you start with?

It is the every girl’s dream to eat everything what she wants and to have a stunning body with all this. And we are lucky people living in the 21 century because it’s real now. But before…I have tried all possible diets: I was eating only apples and yogurts, was on famous Dukan diet, was eating only vegetables trying to count the carbohydrates out. But I didn’t notice some prominent changes.

As soon I started to eat in my usual way, I gained the weight back again...even more. I was so exhausted on these diets and as the result I was losing control eating everything that was in my visibility zone. I looked like a ghost, I saw my awful nails, hair and under-eyes circles. I had a headache and always felt tired ( not doing anything!).

When I became completely desperate and lost my heart I had my next consultation with nutritionist. She advised me to try brand-new dietary supplement called Pure Colon Detox . Other her clients have lost more than 80 pounds with it. That was literally my last chance!

I have discussed all details with Jean (my nutritionist) and she convinced me that is absolutely safe for my health, moreover, it doesn’t have any side effects. I gave it a try.

Let’s ask our experts about it. Dr. Johnson, did you hear about Pure Colon Detox ?

Hello, yes, I heard about this supplement. And as I know, clinical studies show that individuals are able to lose 2 to 3 times more weight by taking Pure Colon Detox pills on a regular basis. Pure Colon Detox increases metabolism and burns fat.

Alice, what was your first result with this supplement?

I was shocked when I lost 20 pounds in two weeks, I couldn't understand what’s wrong with me because my fat was melting down more and more! At the same time, I kept eating as usual … taking only 2-3 pill per day.

How much time did you spend on this very weight loss process? And how many pounds did you loose finally?

I have been taking one bottle for month. For the whole period (3 months) I lost 120 pounds. Now I feel great, I love my body so much…(smiling) I didn't feel any tiredness or apathy when I was taking Pure Colon Detox. Here is my last picture, by the way.

Exotic, pumpkin-shaped fruit Pure Colon Detox is a natural ingredient which has been used for centuries in traditional dishes to help suppress the appetite. Actually, this is great way to lose weight. The fact that this product is not well-known can be explained by the reluctance of the pharmaceutical companies to sell it to people with obesity. The excess weight can provoke the development of cardiovascular, joint, endocrine diseases and even cancer. So it is profitable for them to sell millions of pills and get their money. But we have use great products here, Pure Colon Detox is one of them.

Yes, I absolutely agree that’s why I recommend it to all my friends and relatives and telling about it on TV.

That is amazing, really! And what about stretch marks because after losing weight some people worry about this problem?

Oh, no, they shouldn’t! This is one more advantage of this product. With Pure Colon Detox you won't have it because it not only help you to fight the excess weight but it also makes your skin more elastic.

As I understand it’s not enough only to take these pills, should people be on a specific diet to see the results?

I suppose it’s not necessary to be on a diet, you can eat what you used to eat taking Pure Colon Detox every day. If you want to lose weight as soon as possible you can reduce your food ration.

But it’s better not to eat in the late evening, right?

That is a MYTH. It doesn’t depend on time, I sure everybody knows that it’s better to eat less but as often as you can.

But where did you get it?

Oh, I forgot to tell you. My nutritionist gave their official website where you can order a free trial first.

Your story is so amazing! Thank you for coming, maybe you want to tell something to our audience?

Yeah, I am so glad that I can share this information with you! Do not put this problem away because it would be too late to achieve a desirable result. You can start right now! Good luck and do not forget to text me and I will tell you everything in details!

Top Comments

13.02.2025 - 14:25

I looooved this episode very much and have already ordered Colon Detox. Got it in 2 days and started to take it. Looking forward to see first results!

14.02.2025 - 03:38

It was hard to find the official site! Thanks Alice! Now I am ready to tell about my progress to the whole world! -50 pounds in 3 weeks!

14.02.2025 - 19:24

So happy for you, Michele! Girls, leave comments here about your results and I will try to answer all of you! I believe you are doing great!

15.02.2025 - 13:48

I take Pure Detox every day. Lost 30 pounds in two weeks. Hope I will be able to lose more… This supplement works!

16.02.2025 - 10:57

Christine, keep taking it and you will lose more, believe me. I posted a pic to motivate you :)

17.02.2025 - 10:57

OMG, Chelsey! That’s incredible! Now I am ready to order one too!

18.02.2025 - 13:55

I am so glad that I watched this show! Thanks, Alice! I lost 70 lbs with Pure Colon Detox! You saved my marriage! I am seriously! Now my husband gives the glad eye to me like never before!

19.02.2025 - 19:58

You are welcome, Mila! I hope it will help a lot of women to feel confident and happy again!

21.02.2025 - 05:12

Got my Colon Detox 3 days ago. Didn’t think that weight loss process can be so easy. Hope this product will live up to my expectations!

22.02.2025 - 17:43

I decided to stop taking it. Look at my pic and you’ll understand why! What is more important, my weight is stable now! No worries anymore:)

24.02.2025 - 09:39

You may rest assured this supplement is absolutely safe for your health. I lost 50 pounds and feel great! By the way, I’ve got delivery and free trial in 2 days. You can also consult with professionalists on their hotline.

26.02.2025 - 05:05

I’ve read this story and all comments...Realized that I need to start doing something! Ordered Pure Colon Detox yesterday! Wish me good luck

28.02.2025 - 04:09

I take this supplement and I’m already proud of my results! -40 pounds in two weeks! Do not feel tired or hungry! My skin is shining!

02.03.2025 - 06:58

Ordered Colon Detox on the official website too. Got delivery very fast! Now you can see my results! Feel and look awesome!

04.03.2025 - 13:38

All my co-workers know about Pure Colon Detox and I decided to try it too! There are the most beautiful women in the world in our office! xo xo