

SPECIAL REPORT: Is This The Most Powerful Brain-Enhancer Ever Discovered?

(FOX HEALTH) We expose the truth behind a ground-breaking pill that has many experts furious. Studies have revealed it boosts brain power by up to 89.2%, sharpens your mind and sky-rockets your energy levels. With such overwhelming evidence and media mention, the question is not whether the pill works, but whether it should be legal.

3 14, 20257 11, 2016

'Welcome To The Future' - These were the opening words when Dr Raqif appeared on 7 News about a highly advanced brain supplement that is sending shock-waves through the medical industry. Major pharmaceutical companies are in chaos because they have zero control over what scientists are saying is 'Viagra for the brain'. It's called Intelligex and is a specially formulated mix of Bacopin, Vinpocetine and several other special ingredients. The results? Well, they are more than enough to give the latest superheroes a run for their money.

There’s already been previous controversy around the memory-enhancing pill which was the inspiration for the movie Limitless.Heavily praised by Scientists as ‘the missing link in human evolution’ in there report as ‘Boosting the Brains Potential’, when released, the use of Intelligex became widespread amongst young professionals.

Intelligex soon became known as the ‘most powerful self-development trick on earth’. Not long after, everyone from quiz show contestants to university students were taking the pill to get better grades, triple their salary and achieve peak performance in little time. Intelligex, which has no recorded side effects in any trials, was soon the target of several major pharmaceutical companies who claimed it gave people an unfair advantage over anyone who was unaware of its existence. The pill was eventually banned on shows like Jeopardy! and at top universities such as Cambridge before production of the limitless pills were halted.

The use of Intelligex pills became widespread after Limitless became a Box Office smash hit and publicly referenced Intelligex as it’s inspiration.

After several years and over 2000 trials at The Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU), Intelligex pills are back in production and recent reports are proving the superhero making drug is more powerful then ever. The secret to pill’s improved formula? Phosphatidylserine... or PH for short.

Yes, you read that right: PH has been praised for its ability to rejuvenate and heal the mind for centuries. Combining this with the already powerful ingredients of Intelligex, and your mind will be clearer then that of a Zen-monk’s. Your ability to focus and power through your to-do list will also be a thing of the past and after consistent use, you will become the perfect version of yourself. Many people thought something like this wouldn’t exist for another hundred years but as Dr Raqif said: welcome to the future.

Critics of the pill are of course making their voices heard and if the effectiveness of Intelligex is stronger  then it previously was then these will not be around much longer. With such a powerful opportunity to lower your stress levels, master your emotions and triple your salary, it’s only a matter of time before Intelligex pills are once again the target of major pharmaceutical companies who are seeing a decline in their profit.

This clinically proven supplement Intelligex is shown to boost brain activity

We Tested It Ourselves - Is Intelligex Just Hype or The Real Deal?

With so much media praise and countless reviews of people experiencing success with Intelligex, Health News 7 wanted to verify whether this was all hype. After almost every single man in the building volunteered to test it out but we chose our Senior Chief Editor Alan Frasier. Below is his account of using Intelligex over a 4 week period.

Summary of Alan’s Intelligex pills experience

"The Intelligex pills were extremely hard to come by. We had to wait 2 weeks before we got a bottle to test as it was sold out almost everywhere or over $300 a bottle from people trying to sell it for profit ebay. People were paying top dollar for them on there.

I took the recommended dosage and maybe 20-30 minutes later I felt odd. I can only describe it by saying my mind felt calm and still. It was like that feeling you get when you have just woken up. Light headed so to speak but this was different. I was light headed and spaced out but in the zone at the same time. Can’t explain it – but it was awesome.

Over the course of the 4 weeks I found myself bouncing out of bed and felt ready to take on the day – usually I need to snooze 3 times. I felt motivation to get stuff done and often power through.

Thing’s that annoyed me were no longer an issue. I hardly got stressed and when I did, I was able to control my emotions and get back into peak performance and state.

My thoughts on Intelligex are that, the pills are the real deal. I’ve tried modafinil and other smart drugs but this is by far the closest thing to feeling like you are Bradley Cooper from Limitless.

If you happen to come across these, you can move on with your day and go about your life or you can spare 2 minutes and take what is the most important step to becoming the man you want to be."

**Because of recent coverage in the media, supplies are running very low. You can check to see if Intelligex is still available.

Intelligex has been clinically proven to:

Sky-rocket Concentration

Improve Creative Thinking

Boost Energy

Enhance Memory Recall

Elevate Work Productivity

Should Intelligex be legal?

When Intelligex was originally banned a lot of people were angry. There were no side effects then and as it stands there are no side effects with the stronger formula. Here are clinical studies of the main ingredients in this product (Clinical Study #1, Clinical Study #2). That said, all our users followed the directions and did not go overboard so it’s strongly recommended to use common sense when taking these.

Intelligex is the only pill of it’s kind where the user benefits and grows the more he takes. Normally the body gets used to most medications but throughout all trials all users made continued progress as the weeks went on.

In regards to whether these should be legal? Yes they should. In fact, they never should have been banned. The truth is the ‘health and safety’ of the product was never a concern. Major competing companies created uproar due to their heavily sinking profits when Intelligex was becoming widely used. Even more companies are joining in this time so we have no doubt that production of Intelligex pills will be stopped once again.

The question is, will you be one of the lucky few who have their hands on the next step of human evolution?

Paul Newman, News 7

Paul Newman is a resident scholar at the American Enteprise Institute in Washington, D.C and lead contributor to News 7.

The Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit: Intelligex Research Findings

The Nottingham Research Clinic recently conducted a research study in which 300 participants received a month supply of Intelligex and asked them to record the effects. The procedure was simple:

1. Take one Intelligex pill per day (in the morning)
2. Monitor results each week

Below are sample journal entries from a participant:

Participant #49 - 4 Week Case Study

Week One:

"The first day of taking Intelligex was an experience in itself. I started to feel a sense of calm after about 15 minutes. 30 Minutes later I had what felt like 360 degrees vision. My mind was clear and calm. Nothing like coffee.

After one week of using Intelligex my energy levels are up, and it’s not like a typical coffee rush. This is a smooth boost of long-lasting, natural energy without the crash… I love it! My brain honestly felt CLEAR for the first time in years, and this was just after a few short days. I woke up today (day 7) feeling like a new and improved me. I had one of the most productive weeks I could remember and felt like I owed it all to this tiny pill. But I was still a little skeptical. To be honest, i’m still a little skeptical. If this week wasn’t a fluke things are definitely looking up for me But I am reserving judgement."

Week Two:

"After two weeks of using Intelligex, I’m feeling even more focused and energized than before. Today I had what I would have called a “long day” and it hasn’t even bothered me! I’m more focused right now (after a 10hr work day) than I would normally be waking up.

I’m bouncing out of bed. I wake up earlier without an alarm. It’s great. I always woke up lethargic and like a zombie. Thinking about it now, that hasn’t happened once. I literally wake up and i’m ready to take on the day. It’s a truly unique experience.

My focus and concentration is pretty damn good. But I found I need to set alarms otherwise it is very easy to get carried away. Yesterday I want meant to meet some friends but was so absorbed in work. Good thing for focus. But alarms are a must.

My stress levels also seem down. Not sure if this is unrelated as I haven’t been as stressed since I started this. So not sure if it is because of the pill that I am not stressed or not."

Week Three:

"I looked back on my results at the end of this week and realized that this is the read deal! Well done. I am very happy right now. Haven’t stopped smiling. I’m just always on. I’m always in control. Yesterday at work we had a major project deadline we weren’t going to hit and I was the only one who was in control out of the entire team. Including my boss. I literally feel like I am mastering my emotions.

I’m still experiencing a climb in focus and my memory is sharper than ever too. Around the third week of using any supplement, I would expect to run out of steam due to the body getting used to the ingredients. But my energy levels haven’t dipped at all. They remain steady throughout the day. I no longer need that cat nap around 3 p.m. in the afternoon!"

Week Four:

"After the fourth week, my final results were amazing. My memory is crystal-clear, and my levels of focus and concentration have been through the roof! Even though my test is over, with the results I’ve experienced over the last month I am obviously going to continue taking Intelligex if possible.

Side effects wise: none but you need to set an alarm to remind yourself of other work that needs to be done. You could get wrapped up in a passion project very easily.

I love this stuff. I have no stress these days, I sleep less, wake up ready and energized and as for the brain games I have been playing…my scores have tripled which is awesome! love seeing the graph and how it shows my memory has sky rocketed.

Hands down, the best decision I made was ordering a bottle. I plan to use these for the rest of my life is possible.

Otherwise I would feel like a God who lost his powers! Ok that’s a bit dramatic but the point is, these are great. Well done once again."

While supplies last (limited bottles available). As of 3 14, 20257 11, 2016 there is still a limited time 75% OFF and FREE SHIPPING. Offer ends at midnight, so act fast!

Be sure to use our exclusive link above to receive a FREE 30 day supply!

    • Charlotte Cox
      This basically gives men super powers over women? should this really be legal?!
    • Ruby Mason
      My friends all have these and say its amazing for their focus. I tried one just now but can't feel anythifng? It doesn't work on women at all?
    • Mia Graham
      I saw this on a lot on the news about that student who took it and got blamed for cheating caus eit gave him a edge over everyone else? terrible. I tried one from my mate and i'll admit, it's the best thing i've had for focus and clarity but i never felt out of control or like i was a different person or anything? the media just want to create panic for nothing!
      • Sophie Clarke
        I saw this on the news about that cambridge student who tried it. lol. def not cheating in my books. I take this everyday for work. No coffee or anythign is needed cause I have this. totally clear mind all day. love it. don't take too many though
    • Emily Patel
      My hubby and I both needed a pick-me-up & I really want to increase my productivity at work because I need my much deserved promotion! Already ordered it and we are both going to try this out, thanks. The Patel family
    • Noah Thompson
      Hey, I saw the report on TV and realized that Intelligex WORKS EVEN BETTER if you have a busy lifestyle and are constantly on the go - that's the story of my life!!! I am definitely going to try the special offer before it expires! Thanks for sharing the tips. Super excited!.
    • Cooper Wilson
      There is a big stir going on these days about Intelligex and my guess is it's not going to stop. I am seeing Intelligex all over.. they were giving out free samples at the mall today and the stand sure did have a crowd. Thanks to the special offer you posted I saved over $112. Thanks for the links Doc!
    • Grace Davis
      How well does this stuff work for women? I wouldn't mind being a little smarter! My mate has these and says they rock but i want know what others think? Let me know please
    • Ellie Green
      My brother has had trouble focusing since he was a baby and the doctor told my parents that they really need to get him on a regimen so he can get his grades up. I really hope this is the answer. Thank you guys.
    • Katie Smith
      I've been taking Intelligex for 3 months and feel awesome. The problem is you need to set your alarm to remid you to take breaks. The focus and drive you get on this is superhuman.
    • Jack Lewis
      I've been seeing Intelligex all over also. I even heard my best friend talking about this brain supplement a few days ago since one of his friends started using it and was comparing it to that movie limitless! I definitely have to try this, thanks guys!.






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