Like some 30 million Americans, 71-year old Kevin Johnson suffered from erectile dysfunction (ED).
Today Kevin says his sex life is just as good as when he was 18. Shockingly a little blue pill has nothing to do with it.
Kevin tried Viagra to fix his Erectile Disfunction with little success. Sometimes Viagra helped him get erections, but having to perform on its timeframe often took the impulsiveness out of having sex.
Other guys have similar complaints. In a recent US study, men over 40 who use Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra—for their Erectile Disfunction still report frustrations with their sex lives, including a lack of sexual spontaneity.
Determined to find a fix, Kevin researched penile injection therapy. But that had the same limitations as Viagra: If he wanted to perform, he had to stick a needle in his penis 12 to 21 minutes before sex to boost blood flow. Ouch!
Out of ideas, Kevin sought the help of his Urologist. The doctor asked him if he suffered any of the following symptoms:
The Urologist explained how there was a new clinical trial he was reading about where 97% of men cured their Erectile Dysfunction. The test group could perform up to 2 hours by taking nothing more than natural organic herbs.
Since LibidoGene (the product used in the clinical study) was not yet in stores. Kevin's Urologist called LibidoGene and arranged a free trial of the product for him.
Inside each capsule of LibidoGene is a blend of boron, orchic substance, horney goat weed extract, bioperine, tongkat ail extract. These herbal ingredients are the go-to ingredients for many Chinese herbalists for the last 5,000 years.
What makes LibidoGene unique is their patented TRTT technology that makes these ingredients absorption 185 times greater than taking them the traditional way.
Before praising LibidoGene as an "ED Cure," we had to know if these natural ingredients were all hype or the real deal. For our testing, we will use Health & Science Trends's very own Tom Walker.
Tom is a married man for the last 30 years to his beautiful wife, Carol. Tom also suffers from ED and expressed the fact that his sex life with Carol has been struggling ever since his poor sexual performance. Tom will be using LibidoGene, the same product used by Kevin.
The pills arrived way faster than I expected them to. I couldn't wait to see if LibidoGene lived up to the hype. I took one pill that night before bed and told my wife it was a vitamin. In less than 60 minutes, I felt my penis go rock hard super stiff erection. I was hard for 1 hour and 29 minutes! Carol didn't know what hit her, that night I was able to give her two orgasms for the first time since we were kids.
To be honest, I was quite skeptical and thought there was no way a natural herbal pill would pack this much punch. Our sex life was BACK like when we were teenagers.
To this day, I still find it hard to believe that this stuff worked so well and for less than a price of one movie ticket. Getting my sex life back is worth every penny (I already ordered three more bottles).
There is a lot of Erectile Disfunction solutions you can try. Some of them include taking medicines with dangerous side effects. Others involve putting needles into your penis. With so many options it's only normal to be skeptical about results. So instead of promising our readers anything we challenge you to follow in Tom and Kerins footsteps and try it yourself!
As soon as LibidoGene found out, their product was included in this report they insisted on offering readers a free trial option of LibidoGene. You can find those links below.
(Free Trial bottles running out fast. Claim now before stock expires)
Note: Kevin and Tom both used LibidoGene Male to fix their ED.
Update: Free Trials Still Available as of: Friday March 14, 2025
Take advantage of our Exclusive Link and pay only $4.95 for shipping!
Get Your Risk-Free Bottle of "LibidoGene Male"! (Shipping only $4.95)
Reader Review
Before & After LibidoGene "If there was ever a 'wonder Pill' this is it. Not only did LibidoGene get rid of my ED, it also helped me last for almost 1.5 hours . I've been taking the pills for just over month now. It has helped me live a happy, Satisified Life . After the first week, I Hasn't really experienced hunger and cravings for love with my wife as now. The pills are great and easy to take without experiencing side effects."
John of Nacogdoches, TX
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