It started off when I was 32 (yes, sounds like too young to be having back problems! But it has happened to so many people I know and seems to be the norm now). I tweaked my back while playing a casual game of basketball.
At first I thought it was just a normal injury that would heal over time, but after 2 months past, I felt like it was getting worse. I went to the doctor and they prescribed me Advil and Physical therapy.
I did this for a month and still felt horrible. Anyone who has ever had really sever back pain, knows what I’m talking about when I say you literally cannot do anything. Standing for a while hurts, sitting too long hurts, walking around hurts… about the only thing that felt okay was lying in bed.
For about 2 years I read every book I could on back pain, continued to stretch and was taking 8-16 Advils a day for the pain. Finally I saved up money and went to see a Regional Pain doctor (Anesthesiologist). Through some testing and diagnostics, he determined that he wanted to do Epidural Cortisone Injections, so I did. I ended up doing about 4 shots a year over 2 years. They definitely helped in the short term, but the pain always came back after 4-6 months (not a sustainable solution). Also, each 2 shot treatment set me back $5,000!!
I continued to go to Physical Therapy throughout all this and it seemed like the only thing that consistently made me feel a little and a little better over time. But I wasn’t ready to give up. Next I went to see a Neurologist who was convinced it was a Nerve issue. We ended up doing a nerve conduction study and Electromyography (EMG), one of the most painful things I’ve had to do. Then next I went to see an orthopaedic surgeon who was convinced it was a bone issue pinching a nerve. You get the point, I did everything and got NOWHERE.
About a year and half ago, I happened to see an interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta (who is a reputable Doctor for CNN) talking about the benefits of CBD (Cannabidiol) Oil. For the record, I’ve never been a huge fan of Marijuana, smoked it about 4 or 5 times in my life, but never enjoyed it. But I found out that CBD oil was hemp based and contains no THC (the substance that causes the ‘high’). I was able to find the Sanjay Gupta interview and posted it here!
My search ended when I found NRG CBD online and ordered some and started adding it into my daily routine. Sometimes on my food, sometimes I just open my mouth and swallow the drops. Doesn’t have much of a taste, but within a month or two I noticed a significant change. I could bend more easily without feeling as much pain (e.g. put my shoes on). My back started to hurt less and I felt more confident with it, like lifting light boxes and stuff. Is it a miracle? I don’t know, but taking NRG CBD oil combined with being diligent about my PT has helped me get back to full health in the last year when nothing else had worked. I swear by my stretching and CBD Oil drops daily!

In case you were interested, here are all the things I found really helpful when going through my 6 year journey of back pain, seeing countless doctors, spending 10s of thousands and trying every treatment I could find!
- 1. Physical Therapy – be routine and good about it, it works, just takes a long time to start getting better ( I did it 3-4 month sessions on and off for 5 years)
- 2. NRG CBD Oil – 100% Natural/Organic, 100% legal in all 50 States, Absolutely no psychoactive effects!
- 3. Stretch Out Strap – first used this in my PT session, it’s awesome and cheaper on amazon! Also comes with a small book of great stretches for the back.