More People Than Ever Are Getting Funeral Plan Insurance... Here's Why...
How funeral costs are set to rise by 53% in 4 years - and here's how you can fight back.

Ten years ago, very few people opted for funeral plan insurance, usually known as a ‘funeral plan’. But that’s changed dramatically for several reasons I will reveal in a minute. In fact, over half a million people in the UK have opted for funeral plan insurance.
But first, what is funeral plan insurance and why do you need it? When you pass away, your loved ones will want to organize a funeral. Funeral plan insurance covers the cost of the funeral and related expenses. And the costs are skyrocketing.
Eligible for prepaid Funeral Plan? Click your icon below to find out!
Today, even a modest funeral can cost at least £3,456. But that’s before costs for memorials, flowers, and catering which can be over £2,000. In addition, estate administration costs run well over £2,160. The government will not pay funeral expenses.
When all is said and done, funeral and related expenses can exceed £8,000 and the number is steadily increasing. In fact, one high street bank estimates that funeral expenses will exceed £24,000 by 2020. Do you qualify to lock-in today's prices?
In some cases, life insurance and money saved can cover funeral expenses. But if the person who has passed away has not prepared for the cost, then relatives must pay the expenses.
With funeral costs already high … and set to increase … more and more people are opting for funeral plan insurance. Here’s why....
1. For just a few pounds a week, you’re covered. Most people are amazed when they discover how inexpensive funeral plan insurance can be.
2. Help your friends and relatives. Funeral plan insurance means they pay nothing for your funeral expenses.
3. Protection from price increases. Funeral plan insurance can cover the increases in funeral expenses. So whatever the increase in funeral expenses, funeral plan insurance can provide coverage … for just a few pounds a week. Remember, funeral expenses will reach £24,000 by 2020.
4. No health restrictions. Most funeral plans do not require any type of check up or health information. Simply sign up and you’re covered. It only takes a few minutes.
Eligible for prepaid Funeral Plan? Click your icon below to find out!
5. Choose your funeral director so your family can organize a suitable funeral … plus you can select the solicitors you want to handle final legal arrangements.
6. Reassurance for you and your loved ones that there’s a plan for the funeral and related events. Your relatives will never go in debt to pay for the funeral.
7. No need to use life insurance or other monies. Funeral plan insurance can cover all expenses.
8. Simple peace of mind knowing you will have everything organized after your passing … with no complications and no out-of-pocket expenses for friends and relatives.
Getting funeral plan insurance is simple and easy. It’s also extremely inexpensive – especially when you consider the useful benefits. Getting a quote for funeral plan insurance takes just a few minutes. Your information is kept private and there’s no obligation to buy funeral plan insurance. You are simply requesting a quote.
To get your free quote, click here now or click the button below. Coverage is provided through one of the UK’s leading insurance providers. Benefits are clearly explained with no “fine print” and surprises. Experts will answer any questions you have about funeral plan insurance. Click here now to get your quote.
*Figures from Sun Life’s ‘Cost of Dying’ Research 2016