This basically gives men super powers over women? should this really be legal?!

Do you sometimes wish you could be more productive studying, working, and focusing…? After certain time working, your brain needs a break from focusing so hard in order to refocus again. However, we might not have the time to take a break. Well I have a solution for you and it's called Alpha ZXT. If you have not heard of Alpha ZXT before, pay attention because you might be interested.
Alpha ZXT™ has been known for the following:
➙ Sky-rocket Concentration by 312%
➙ Improve Creative Thinking
➙ Boost Energy
➙ Enhance Memory Recall
➙ Increase IQ Scores by 77%
Now anyone can become "Limitless" without a prescription
Alpha ZXT is not your average pill. Its main function is to enhance and balance your individual’s focus, memory and energy. This will cause your brain and body to become healthier and more productive and efficient in theory. I am sure brain scientists are not so fascinated about this amazing invention that will allow you to be more efficient. What does it really do? Well, it is clinically proven to skyrocket concentration by 312%, I am sure you can finish your work with this level of focus! It also improves creative thinking, boosts energy, enhances memory recall and it even increases IQ Scores! What can be better than that?
You might be thinking that you can achieve these features without taking this pill, which might be true. But not everyone can. Alpha ZXT can achieve amazing results with your brain. We can now get rid of mental fatigue after hours of work with this scientific advancement. It is the number one natural cognitive enhancer that guarantees to improve your focus and memory as well as increase your energy levels.
Now, is this pill for you? Well, Alpha ZXT is for everyone but is even more effective for people between the ages of 25-40. Men also have benefited the most as the effects of certain ingredients have had successful reaction in the male brain. These reactions will touch certain part of the brain that it will attract and seduce women with their improved intellect and charm boost from the pill’s benefits.
There are no side effects to worry about and all trials have recorded positive effects on people. Pharmaceutical companies are going crazy about this pill but they also believe it is giving an unfair advantage to certain people to the point that it has been banned from some universities. That’s all the proof enough to know the pill actually works, but it gets even better! In a recent document show that the pill has been modified and improved to actually make you even faster. Why was it modified? We don’t know, but we do know that Bee pollen has been added which has the potential to make our minds faster and younger. If you have always thrived to be the perfect version of yourself, now you can! By taking one pill a day, this pill will make you limitless.
Alpha ZXT pill is everything you have wished for. There is no negative side to something that will make you work more efficiently, harder and smarter. So, imagine the amount of work you do in a week, done in 2 days? Could this actually happen? Give it a try, you will not be sorry, we can assure you of that!
For students, your grades will increase and to managers, your management skills will improve. The level of calmness that this pill provides allows you to think clearer and act smarter and in turn, be more efficient. There is no doubt that this scientific advancement will have an impact on society. All of us cannot be limitless, but since it's available for all, why not take advantage of it?
Stop suffering from mental fatigue, stop studying hard and start acting smart by taking advantage of the benefits that the Alpha ZXT pill provides. Remember, its safe, effective and it has no side effects.
Take our word, you will thank us. GIVE IT A TRY!

We tried it ourselves: These pills work
With so much media praise and countless reviews of people experiencing success with Alpha ZXT™, we wanted to verify whether this was all hype. After almost every single man in the building volunteered to test it out but we chose our Senior Chief Editor Alan Frasier. Below is his account of using Alpha ZXT™ over a 4 week period.
Diary of Alan’s Alpha ZXT pills experience
The Alpha ZXT pills were extremely hard to come by. We had to wait 2 weeks before we got a bottle to test as it was sold out almost everywhere or over $300 a bottle from people trying to sell it for profit eBay. People were paying top dollar for them on there.
My first impressions were the packaging of the pills didn’t match what I have been hearing. With the picture of the brain and Brain Storm written in red, the bottle looked a bit too party pill style. But I took one and forgot about it.
Maybe 20-30 minutes later I felt odd. I can only describe it by saying my mind felt calm and still. It was like that feeling you get when you have just woken up. Light headed so to speak but this was different. I was light headed and spaced out but in the zone at the same time. Can’t explain it - but it was awesome.
Over the course of the 4 weeks I found myself bouncing out of bed and felt ready to take on the day - usually I need to snooze 3 times. I felt motivation to get stuff done and often power through.
Thing’s that annoyed me were no longer an issue. I hardly got stressed and when I did, I was able to control my emotions and get back into peak performance and state.
My thoughts on Alpha ZXT are that, despite the horrible look of the bottle (we have been joking about it a lot in the office) the pills are the real deal. I’ve tried modafinil and other smart drugs but this is by far the closest thing to feeling like you are Bradley Cooper from Limitless. Since then 90% of us have reoccurring subscriptions to make sure we never run out as I hear very few people can get a hold of these.
If you happen to come across these, you can move on with your day and go about your life or you can spare 2 minutes and take what is the most important step to becoming the man you want to be.
Should Alpha ZXT be legal?
When Alpha ZXT was originally banned a lot of people were angry. There were no side effects then and as it stands there are no side effects with the stronger formula. Even the pill from the movie Limitless had side effects and that was make-believe. That said, all our users followed the directions and did not go overboard so it’s strongly recommended to use common sense when taking these.
Alpha ZXT is the only pill of it’s kind where the user benefits and grows the more he takes. Normally the body gets used to most medications but throughout all trials all users made continued progress as the weeks went on.
In regards to whether these should be legal? Yes they should. In fact, they never should have been banned. The truth is the ‘health and safety’ of the product was never a concern. Major competing companies created uproar due to their heavily sinking profits when Alpha ZXT was becoming widely used. Even more companies are joining in this time so we have no doubt that production of Alpha ZXT pills will be stopped once again.
The question is, would you take a pill that made you smarter?
EXCLUSIVE Alpha ZXT™ Coupon below!
The Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit: Research Findings
1. Take one Alpha ZXT™ pill per day (in the morning)
2. Monitor results each week
Participant #214 Case Study: 4 Week Period

The first day of taking Alpha ZXT was an experience in itself. I started to feel a sense of calm after about 15 minutes. 30 Minutes later I had what felt like 360 degrees vision. My mind was clear and calm. Nothing like coffee.
After one week of using Alpha ZXT my energy levels are up, and it's not like a typical coffee rush. This is a smooth boost of long-lasting, natural energy without the crash… I love it! My brain honestly felt CLEAR for the first time in years, and this was just after a few short days.
I woke up today (day 7) feeling like a new and improved me. I had one of the most productive weeks I could remember and felt like I owed it all to this tiny pill. But I was still a little skeptical. To be honest, i'm still a little skeptical. If this week wasn't a fluke things are definitely looking up for me But I am reserving judgement.

After two weeks of using Alpha ZXT, I'm feeling even more focused and energized than before. Today I had what I would have called a "long day" and it hasn't even bothered me! I'm more focused right now (after a 10hr work day) than I would normally be waking up.
I'm bouncing out of bed. I wake up earlier without an alarm. It's great. I always woke up lethargic and like a zombie. Thinking about it now, that hasnt happened once. I literally wake up and i'm ready to take on the day. It's a truly unique experience.
My focus and concentration is pretty damn good. But I found I need to set alarms otherwise it is very easy to get carried away. Yesterday I want meant to meet some friends but was so absorbed in work. Good thing for focus. But alarms are a must.
My stress levels also seem down. Not sure if this is unrelated as I haven't been as stressed since I started this. So not sure if it is because of the pill that I am not stressed or not.

I looked back on my results at the end of this week and realised that this is the read deal! Well done. I am very happy right now. Haven't stopped smilling. I'm just always on. I'm always in control. Yesterday at work we had a major project deadline we weren't going to hit and I was the only one who was in control out of the entire team. Including my boss. I literally feel like I am mastering my emotions. I'm still experiencing a climb in focus and my memory is sharper than ever too.
Around the third week of using any supplement, I would expect to run out of steam due to the body getting used to the ingredients. But my energy levels haven't dipped at all. They remain steady throughout the day. I no longer need that cat nap around 3 p.m. in the afternoon!

After the fourth week, my final results were amazing. My memory is crystal-clear, and my levels of focus and concentration have been through the roof! Even though my test is over, with the results I've experienced over the last month I am obviously going to continue taking Alpha ZXT if possible.
Side effects wise: none but you need to set an alarm to remind yourself of other work that needs to be done. You could get wrapped up in a passion project very easily.
I love this stuff. I have no stress these days, I sleep less, wake up ready and energised and as for the brain games I have been scores have tripled which is awesome! love seeing the graph and how it shows my IQ has sky rocketed.
Hands down, the best decision I made was signing up for these trials. I plan to use these for the rest of my life is possible.
Otherwise I would feel like a God who lost his powers!
Ok that's a bit dramatic but the point is, these are great. Well done once again.
Alpha ZXT™ has been known for:
➙ Sky-rocket Concentration by 312%
➙ Improve Creative Thinking
➙ Boost Energy
➙ Enhance Memory Recall
➙ Increase IQ Scores by 77%
Alpha ZXT is offering all of our readers a special coupon so you can try these brain pills for yourself!
NEW LIMIT: Alpha ZXT asked us to limit the discount to one per person please!
NO RX NEEDED: Tons of people have emailed us asking if they need a doctor's prescription to buy Alpha ZXT. The answer is no! Alpha ZXT is 100% an over-the-counter (OTC) product. No prescription needed.
Comments 7
I saw this a lot about that student who took it and got blamed for cheating caus eit gave him a edge over everyone else? terrible. I tried one from my mate and i'll admit, it's the best thing i've had for focus and clarity but i never felt out of control or like i was a different person or anything? the media just want to create panic for nothing!
I saw this somewhere about that cambridge student who tried it. lol. def not cheating in my books. I take this everyday for work. No coffee or anythign is needed cause I have this. totally clear mind all day. love it. don't take too many though
This stuff is amazing! My best friend James was swearing this stuff was the best thing since sliced bread.. i couldn't believe it and had to do some research on my own which is how I found this document. I can't believe they are offering it this cheap! I know James spent something like $600 and was thrilled.. This is a unreal, thanks so much guys!!