Published on 14 March 2025 24 May 2018
An 18yr Old Freshman at the University of Toronto unexpectedly married his 34yr Old Substitute teacher after a remarkable turn of fortune.
18 year old Matt Draper, of Toronto, had never had a girlfriend, but he often fantasized about his substitute teacher Ashley Cooper. He stayed after class for extra help when he really didn’t need it just to be with her. He knew his fantasies were far-fetched but one day everything changed and Ashley Copper was head over heels for Matt.
What had happened to make Matt become so attractive to his substitute teacher? Well, one day, he came into a serious amount of money, thanks to winning the Jackpot on Captain Cooks. After netting over $800k, Ashley now found Matt irresistible!
It all changed when Matt was surfing on Facebook during a class lecture. He saw a message about a new online casino, already a hit in the United States. They gave 80 Free Spins out as an introduction for new members! That I had to try, I had little to lose!" he said.
In his eighteenth turn Matt won the progressive jackpot of 'Captain Cook's' "Mermaid's Treasure" game, and took home $892.329 in less than 5 minuets. This was more than 30 times his annual salary!
“I did not believe it." Matt said "At first I thought the app was fake, some American scam. So I cashed out and didn't expect anything. A few days later I checked my bank account and saw a balance of over 800k! Once I saw the money in my bank account I knew it was true”
Despite folk’s concerns about Ashley’s motives, Matt remains unfazed. “I ain’t under any spell. I know full well what she’s after. But it suits both of us. She gets some money to buy nice clothes, and I get to walk around with a total babe on my arm!”
Gambling industry expert Alan Silver shares his thoughts on this sensation, "What you often see in new online casinos is that they run a huge loss in the beginning because they have a lot of money off roads to come in the hope of new customers. That makes this the perfect time to score well with Captain Cook. Once a customer base is established winning becomes much harder therefore it is very important to capitalize on new casino games and capture all the winnings you can. "
ATV journalist Marieke Kessel tried it herself. She won $190 after 7 minutes. "Unfortunately, it's not as much as Matt but I'm not complaining."
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