Mechanic Almost Ripped Me Off For $2200!
UberFix MD Found $12 Problem -
Saved Me A Fortune!
Tuesday, September 25, 2017 | Sponsored by UberFix MD

If you own a car, truck, or other vehicle that requires maintenance, this article could save you $1000s on expensive overpriced car repair.
Let's face it, going to the auto shop is never a pleasant experience. You just know that the mechanic is going to find some doohickey or thingamajig that's gonna cost you a fortune, and it's not easy to know whether or not they're even telling the truth. For all you know, the mechanic is in the garage, laughing it up at your expense! And there's really nothing you can do about it...until now.
Two engineers based out of Atlanta, GA were tired of seeing their friends and family get taken advantage of at auto shops, so they decided to do something about it. They created this new affordable device that plugs into your car's OBD (on-board diagnostics) port – the very same port that mechanics use to figure out what's wrong with your car. Virtually EVERY car built since 1996 is required to have this port.
What Is This New Invention?
It's called UberFix MD, and it gives you the same diagnostic tools as a $20,000 authorized dealer computer! Just plug in UberFix MD, take a look at the easy-to-use phone app, and you’ll get the true story in seconds.

You’ll instantly see how severe the problem is, whether it’s an emergency or not, and how easy it is to fix. UberFix MD reports all of this information in easy-to-understand terms, so you don't need to be an expert to use it.
Where Do I See The Report?
This is one of the best parts about UberFix MD - it sends you all of this information straight to your phone! The app is free and gives you detailed information about any engine problems you might experience using language you can actually understand.
It even gives you maintenance reminders like when you need to get your oil changed, etc. You can now be armed with precise data and knowledge just like an automotive expert. You can also turn off the check engine light right from the UberFix MD app if the problem is not serious or if you want to see if it will reoccur. How cool is that?!
Never allow a crooked auto mechanic to use a lot of mumbo jumbo to jack up the price. The next time a mechanic is trying to pull one over on you, you can call them out on it!
Does It Really Work?
After learning about how awesome this device is, I decided to put it to the test myself. As it turns out, my wife's car recently had the check engine light come on.
Now I'll admit, I hadn't gotten around to taking it to the mechanic yet, partially because I don't have a mechanic that I can really trust. I was sure the repair would be something massive, and the last thing I need is to add more debt on my credit card.
After connecting my UberFix MD to my car and my phone (which was super quick and easy), I was SHOCKED to see how quickly it worked. In just moments I was able to see exactly what was wrong with the car, and it turns out it was only a small tube that cost about $12 to replace. I doubt I would have heard that from the mechanic!
Where Can I Buy This Awesome Device?
It's easy. You can buy the tool directly from the website.
NOTICE: Due to excessive demand, these compact car doctor tools are being released in limited quantities. We advise you to grab yours before the super low introductory price is raised.
UberFix MD is currently selling for 50% off the normal price! Make sure you hurry and grab yours now before this discount runs out.